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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 9


see artwork here


Excavator Monthly Issue 5 released!  

Camping out in the ruins is insane! But sometimes things go wrong and your dig team has no choice. If you’re gonna do it, then issue 5 explains how. While the hapless PC’s are having their sleep over in the rubble heaps, why not terrorize them? For the GM, we have an article on introducing horror into your post apocalyptic campaign.

In this issue we also present more NPCs, 3 nasty new creatures: The Ponysapien, Botamorto and Gaswing, along with potent relics: the Medusa Stun Staff, Energy Shield, Tactical Knife and Recon Carbine. A new character generation method is also included bringing you the Generic Excavator, plus a new skill: Archery, articles on ruin ecology, using name tags and tent cards, another treasure table, and more!

This issue includes:

  • Terrorize Them! Horror in a PA setting
  • 2 NPCs
  • 3 New Creatures
  • 4 New relics
  • Generic Excavator Character type
  • Camping In The Ruins
  • Archery Skill
  • Ruin Ecology
  • Treasure Table EM-4
  • 25 illustration
  • 40 pages

Print price $9.99

PDF price $3.50


The Mutant Epoch Travelogue Episode I: Wandering in the Wasteland from the blog Realms of Chirak featuring a TME mutant Alias “Enrico Fermi’s Surviving the Hard Way” . Part one of a solo play-fiction session by Nicholas Torbin Bergquist using The Mutant Epoch rules. Among many of the cool things his escaped gladiator deals with is the chase rules. Glad to see it documented as it was a tricky set of game mechanics to work out and make quick, logical and playable. I hope we see more sessions on the blog. Why not drop by, read the post and make a comment?
Here is the full link: http://realmsofchirak.blogspot.com/2012/01/mutant-epoch-travelogue-volume-i.html

Genetic scientists create freakish man-made monster ants with huge heads and jaws You know those nasty mutant ants in the hub rules, those big suckers? Well modern science has started working on them. In this article they have managed to create ants with huge heads and mandibles, using some sort of ancient ancestral genes. Does this mean your Game master might have humans appearing with caveman genes or chickens with velociraptor talons?

Full link from Mail Online: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2082799/Supersoldier-ants-gigantic-jaws.html


British Charcoal Lined "NBC" Chemical Protective Scent Suit

Are you ready for the disaster? Buy your own NBC suit today! For only $19.95  you can get a British Nuclear, Biological and chemical suit delivered to your door. Add some sort of gasmask, visor and hood and you might stand a chance during the big plague, too!

Full link: http://store.colemans.com/cart/british-charcoal-lined-nbc-chemical-protective-scent-suit-p-381.html?zenid=3db64kfrdhii38tmb2v66ulsb2

Haven’t had enough of zombies yet? Check out the World War Z 2012 Trailer here! I’m slowly reading the Max Brookes Novel and hope to be done before I see the film. As a huge fan of The Walking Dead, I am looking forward to the larger scale of the WWZ flick. Here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oMm4s1268to

Thought we’d tack this one. No, it isn’t post-apocalyptic… but I think to the people living during World War Two, especially those that did the fighting or where in the drop zone for bombs… the world seemed like it was coming to an end. This link leads to the Red Tails (2012) HD Movie Trailer - Lucasfilm Official Trailer. I can’t wait top see this on the big screen! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpA6TC0T_Lw

Artist Spotlight
Mathias Verhasselt hails from Irvine USA and is currently employed at Blizzard Entertainment. While this site is basically a tall stack of images, they are exceptional a rich idea mine for game masters and players of The Mutant Epoch alike. http://mv.cgcommunity.com/

Until next time, we continue with work on the Pitford Gateway To Ruins illustrations, and are well into Issue 6 of Excavator Monthly. Yes, Issue 5 of the magazine was late getting out, and has therefore bumped Issue 6 for another 20 or so day before it is released inearly February.

Best whishes for 2012,
Will McAusland
Creative Director

Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks

web sites:  http://www.outlandarts.com or http://www.mutantepoch.com
Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/

Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch

email:  info@outlandarts.com






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