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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 8


Excavator Monthly Issue 4 now available!    Get a demo here

What drives your character? Why risk life and limb in the God forsaken ruins and wastelands of The Mutant Epoch? In issue 4 we offer 50 goals and obsessions to motivate your post apocalyptic character, and much more.

EM-4 includes articles on how many adversaries a GM should throw at PCs, dice rolling methods to speed up game pace, creating handouts along with links to a heap of free sheets, the bonus offer method of character generation, more NPCs, wicked relics: Grenade Mat and Laser tipped bullets, plus three freaky creatures: the Waste Grazer, Pus Worm and Hackoid. Articles on the causes of PA factional warfare, agreed upon rendezvous, making coffee for Mel Gibson, and a new skill: Acrobatics. Get it in PDF or print today.  

Print price $9.99

PDF price $3.50 

In Other News....

Join the Mutant Epoch facebook page!
We finally had a chance to set up a dedicated facebook page for The Mutant Epoch. What’s cool about this is it allows us to post there and it automatically updates our twitter feed, yet also allows the posting of images and more than 140 characters. Now, if we could just tie it to our blog. Why not come by the new facebook page, hit the like button and stay appraised of the latest news and behind the scenes reports on our game design studio. http://www.facebook.com/TheMutantEpoch



Buy your books through Amazon.com?
While Issue 4 of Excavator Monthly won’t show up there for a few weeks yet, we do have the rest of The Mutant Epoch line available at Amazon.com. The storefront there is setup through our createspace account, which also fulfills printing and shipping. The quality of our books through createspace (Amazon) is the highest quality yet, and what’s even better, they pay us the best cut. So if you are looking to fill out your TME collection, and can’t get TME books at your local game store, why not shop through our Amazon.com venue?



This is kinda interesting for gamers who have a favorite game or comic shop. The fella’s at Keystone Gaming Society set up a blog focused on Comic Store West, calling themselves ‘professional Loiterers’. They happen to have talked about The Mutant Epoch and posted a nice big screen shot of the Hub Rules cover, better still,  the great guys at the comic shop have made a sizable order of our books.  They are located at 2111 Industrial Highway, York, PA, U.S.A. 17402. Here is Comic Store West’s banner ad and link:

Another great site is Noble Knight Games, who accurately describe themselves as a online retailer ‘Where the Out-of-Print is Available Again'. They also carry new stuff and just today we shipped them 10 copies of the TME Hub Rules and 8 copies of the Mall of Doom They will soon be carrying physical copies of Excavator Magazine, as well. Drop by their site to check out their astounding inventory. Here is their banner:


Cyborg search-and-rescue insects' power source unveiled This fascinating story comes from BBC News’ technology department, and thanks to my brother for sending this in. Seems all those implants occurring on TME beasts and humanoid monsters started in our decade, and any game master worth his or her salt will want to make cybernetic cockroaches swarm toward the player’s characters.

Gaming Music

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 by Hans Zimmer. From the great soundtrack composer himself, the man who brought us the music to Pirates of the Caribbean, Inception, Black Hawk Down, Gladiator, Last Samurai, Kung FU Panda, King Arthur and so many more… how can you go wrong? Thanks Brett for the heads-up! The link supplied here is to grooveshark.com where you can listen to it for free. http://grooveshark.com/#/album/Call+Of+Duty+Modern+Warfare+2/4145344


The Hunger Games movie is due out March 23rd 2012. I am not quite done the book yet so better finish it before the film gets out. Here is the first video promo for the movie: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p-5ANq4sAL0

ROSA by Jesús Orellana is a short post-apocalyptic film, which you can watch at the supplied link in its entirety. When I see these very human shaped cyborgs I think that a sort of ghost mutant style cyborg is needed for the expansion book… cyborg-androids blends. Living people, but with concealed mechanical and computerized features. Thoughts?

Artist Spotlight

We thought this was cool. http://www.myvidster.com/video/3399488/Post-Apocalyptic_Cover_Illustration_Timelapse  It’s a time lapse video of an artist rendering a post-apocalyptic character for Xabiroi Comic Book Magazine. The artist’s name is Dei G. (a.k.a. DEISIGN) who is a creature and character Artist working in the entertainment Industry, as well as a creator of cover/promotional illustrations. http://www.deisign.com/

Geoffroy Thoorens (Djahal) of France is another artist to watch. His figures, action scenes and setting designs will inspire any GM to come up with relics, adventure locations and NPCs galore:  http://djahal.cgsociety.org/gallery/836810/

That's it for another issue of the Outland Arts Insider Newsletter. Since we got issue 4 of Excavator Monthly magazine out a couple of weeks late, we will be diving right into issue 5, yet also getting to a few more of the Pitford book illustrations.

Best regards,
Will McAusland
Creative Director

Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks

web sites:  http://www.outlandarts.com or http://www.mutantepoch.com
Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/

Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch

email:  info@outlandarts.com




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