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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 7


Excavator Monthly Issue 3 has just been released!   


How do your post-apocalyptic heroes know each other? 

Issue 3 presents a robust article on dozens of possible ways in which characters meet up prior to the beginning of game play. We also present the Fixed Value Allotment method of character generation, two wicked NPCs, two new relics: Landmine Detection coil and Advanced Grenade Launcher, along with three nasty creatures: The Devil Spider, Mutant Perch and Jaw Crawler. Other articles include Outfitting a Post Apocalyptic Army, Silver Coins & Ancient Currency, Character Type Rotation and Similarity, another great treasure table and much more.

Excavator Monthly is the official magazine for The Mutant Epoch milieu, covering the TME RPG, fiction, art and more. Not using the Outland System? No worries, there is a ton here that any post apocalyptic GM can utilize.

This issue includes:

2 NPCs
3 New Creatures
2 New relics
1 Treasure Table
1 Character generation system (Fixed Value Allotment)
24 illustrations & 1 Map
44 Pages

Print price $9.99

PDF price $3.50 

In Other News....

A Look Back at BigCon 2011

On September 24th and 25th 2011 we set up our booth at BIGcon in Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, our home town. As anticipated we rolled up plenty of characters with convention attendees, sold a big stack of our books, a few prints and paper dice sets. I was also fortunate enough to sit in on a TME game run by Danny Seedhouse, wherein I laughed myself hoarse.
    The convention was not as well attended as we had all hoped, but the people who were there were certainly the right ones and I was kept busy both days. The plan is for another convention next year, but with some new ideas, additional help with marketing, and a much earlier start to promotions.

We now have a considerable inventory of books in the studio and have been getting copies of The Mall of Doom and The Mutant Epoch hub rules into stores. High Octane Comics and Collectibles here in Kamloops just received a decent sized shipment for local gamers who have been waiting for the third print run.  We took a snap shot showing our books among some other popular RPGs.



Warner Bros. names Ben Affleck to write and direct Stephen King's The Stand. We guess that now WB has completed the Harry Potter films they have both the funding and the focus to turn their attention to other worthy works. I for one am very excited about this post-apocalyptic story and a big fan of both Affleck's and King's work  Read about it here.

A great looking polish RPG site, Poltergeist
http://rpg.polter.pl/ , gave us a lengthy review for The Mutant Epoch hub rules book, although since I can't read Polish, I have no idea what they said about the game! If any of you can read Polish, please let me know if this review was favorable or not. Here is the link: http://rpg.polter.pl/The-Mutant-Epoch-c23577

Gaming Music

Flesh & Blood by Basil Poledouris
This is good stuff, although with a somewhat medieval flair to it. Basil of course did the original Conan movie soundtracks, so you know you are getting great gaming tunes. Play it all for free here:


Masada by Jerry Goldsmith
Unfortunately we only have one piece of music from this old TV series starring Peter O’ Toole, but it is the best arrangement from the historical series: The Road to Masada. If you don’t know much about the ancient Jewish fortress of Masada, then you can learn more here. As for this piece of stirring music, again, it’s been around a long time yet while listening to this track I can still see roman legionnaires marching in the dust. Take the roman legionaries and switch them out for a battalion of Imperial Mutants from the Dominion of Aberratia… and the track fills in nicely. Get it here: http://grooveshark.com/#/album/Masada/5082173

This issue we have two quite different video links for you. The first, The Divide, looks like very frightening, very near future disaster film, but defiantly post-apocalyptic in nature, even though the apocalypse in this case is shown and the characters experience the aftermath in the hours and days following some sort of enemy attack.
    The second film is ridiculous, and the complete opposite of first. Basket Case 3 is more of a B horror film, perhaps even A C-movie if there is such a rating. While not post-apocalyptic, it does depict some of the most hideous, stomach turning mutants I've seen in awhile. You might not want to watch this youtube vid if you are eating, or plan to eat any time soon.

Artist Spotlight

We were recently contacted by a excellent artist from Mexico. Jesus Garcia Lopez's site contains Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Dragon, Aztec, Comic and Erotica art. While not Post-Apocalyptic, it is very accomplished, and in particular, his pin-up style art is stunning. Be warned, there is some nudity.

Simon Eckert is another artist whose work we think you'd like to check out. He is a German artist who produces a wide range of imagery including warhammer, comic, and pin -up stuff. Check out his deviant art site here: http://scebiqu.deviantart.com/

That's it for this issue of the newsletter. Time to get working on the Pitford book illustrations as well as issue 4 of Excavator Monthly.

Best regards,
Will McAusland
Creative Director

Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks
web sites:  http://www.outlandarts.com or http://www.mutantepoch.com

Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/

Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch

email:  info@outlandarts.com






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