Membership Kit
The Society of Excavators or SOE is an online club
of purchasers of The Mutant Epoch™ Hub Rules. Every
copy of the TME hub rules book, either physical,
print on demand, or PDF, has a book ID code in it
located among the publisher information, page 2. To
get your free SOE membership, email this code
to Outland Arts at
info@outlandarts.com, and a password will be
issued to the purchaser after registering his or her
name and other optional details. A human handles the
SOE memberships, codes and assignment of passwords,
so allow 24 hours a reply. The Outland Arts supplied
password is used by the SOE member to login to the
members only area at www.mutantepoch.com and access
the enormous and growing free resource collection,
as well as access to the forum and much more. You
can preview the contents of the members area and see
what we have to offer
Only the purchase of the Hub Rules book grants SOE
membership, and membership remains in effect for as
long as the person owns their copy of the Hub Rules.
If he or she sells their copy, then that book ID
code and corresponding password goes along with book
to the new owner.
The reason for only buyers of the Hub Rules having
access to the member’s area is that normally only
the Game Master or one planning to become a GM,
would have the TME Hub Rules book, and many of the
goodies within the Society of Excavators members
area are for the GM’s eyes only as there are a ton
of downloads in this section which the GM should
keep secret until they are unleashed in a game
GMs can freely download and store content from the
SOE member’s area to either email or print in order
to show their players. Also, if a player is keen to
get access to the members area, he or she is likely
a fan of The Mutant Epoch™ milieu and can buy and
download the game and then register him or herself
separately from the GM.
Again, membership to
the Society is free, and automatic when a person
buys a copy of The Mutant Epoch Hub Rules, either in pdf, print on demand or traditional print versions.
When you buy a copy, email Outland Arts at
info@outlandarts.com with the word ‘SOE’
(Society of Excavators) or similar in the subject line and
simply answer these questions:
Your Name:
Your Email:
TME Hub Rules version
purchased: PDF or printed book?
Date of purchase:
roughly if
you aren't certain
Bought from:
Where did you pick up, order
or download your copy of The TME Hub Rules from? Examples
Lulu.com ,
Yourgamesnow.com, Createspace.com, Amazon.com, Drive thru RPG,
game store by name and city, or purchased second
hand off friend, etc.
Once we get your email, we will
register your info and send you your membership password which you can use to log into
the immense free Download Area of
The Mutant Epoch . Please keep us updated of
any new email address since for anti-piracy reasons,
we may be changing the login password from year
to year, and will need to email you the new
password. We will not use your data or email for any
other reason other than updating your login
password, however, if you are interested in getting
The Mutant Epoch newsletter, simply
click here to
learn more about this free email based publication.
If for any reason your
membership email is not responded to within four
business days, which is highly unlikely, please
re-send, as there may have been connection problems
or hardware failure or upgrades at our server or
Once you get your member's password, we urge you write
it on the
inside cover of your copy of the game for handy
reference, and if you move away from TME and choose
to re-sell the copy, the new owner can use your old
codes to access the members area.
Click here For a list of what you get as a Society
of Excavator member.