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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 20

Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 20
April 24th 2014

Hello Wastelanders. Like last year at this time, it has taken awhile to get out a newsletter. You'd think that the post holiday season would be slow, and a perfect time to sit back and unleash OA insider newsletters. Yet, we've been very busy around the studio and you'll understand why once you see the line up coming out in the next few months.
            I guess much belated Happy New Years are in order, I still can't believe its 2014. I'm still writing 2013 on checks. Maybe I am just getting old but let me know if you think the year 2014 sounds like some date in a science fiction movie. When was Blade Runner set? 2019 or something? I still don't see replicants or hear of many off world colonies in the works. Give it time I suppose.
 So for this issue of Outland Arts Insider we want to point you to a pair of new Creatures of the Apocalypse: The Bog-Billy and Scraplurker. We also aim to update you on the progress of the next book, and share a few great links. Let's get started....
Our first new FREE PDF for you is the dreaded Bog-Billy 
bog billy

Dwelling in the crawl spaces and rubble covered heaps of the Old Ones, live cunning man eaters known as Bog-Billies. Although slow in the open street or swampland trail, they are often much faster than a humanoid excavator who, on his or her hands and knees, has fallen for the bait, and foolishly crept into the ambush of these foul mutants.

You can get this nasty freak at RPGnow.com here or for SOE members, direct from our site here.
Next is the Scraplurker, created by Brandon Goeringer.
 scrap lurker

Watch your step, wastelander… that pile of loot ahead might just be a trap!

Designed and written by Brandon Goeringer, this is the 6th free mutant freak in the Creatures of the Apocalypse line and the first to be offered in three nasty sizes: Juvenile, Adult and Brute!

You can get this free PDF at drivethrurpg.com, or, for Society of Excavators, download the PDF direct by clicking here.

We would like to welcome Brandon (@SavageGM on twitter and savagegm on our forums) as our newest writer and thank him for being such an active TME fan. He is responsible for setting up the Mutant Epoch G+ community found here. Standby for more great content coming from this game reviewer and emerging writer, as he has more in store for TME fans.
Although work on the latest book was on hold for a month or two, we are back to it now. Mutant Bestiary One is 148 pages long, contains 173 new creatures with encounter tables. This book isn't just a collection of monsters, but also includes non-mutated base creatures such as normal deer, normal bobcats, rabbits, pigs, goats, wolverines and coyotes. Besides these, however, are aberrant variants as well as mutation lists to allow the game master to deviate the old world, generic species.
            We're pretty excited by this book, as it will give GMs an impressive array of weird and wonderful beasts to throw at his or her players, along with several new humanoid races such as Scrags, the Underfoot, Skinners, Abhorras, and Deep Kin to name a few. Also, we finally have a wolf humanoid race and a cat race, the Wolfur (dog-boys) and Krenth or cat folk.
            To get the table of contents, which shows a list of all the creature names, go to this page http://www.outlandarts.com/mutantbestiary1.htm which will soon be the product's permanent homepage.         Also, we've set up two art galleries, one at our own site at http://www.outlandarts.com/TME-mutant-bestiary-1-art.htm and another over at RPG.net. The rpg.net gallery is mentioned below under sightings as well, and includes mutant creatures from a variety of TME books as well as being open to other artists and game publishers as a general post-apocalyptic gallery of freaks.
In other news
As for a release date of the bestiary book, we too much still to do on it to say. We can tell you that the edits are all done, the layout is done, and about a quarter of the critters are illustrated. All that remains is the cover art and the rest of the interior art. We are looking at a few months yet to achieve all this, but, will offer a pre-release sale's option again as we did with the Crossroads Region Gazetteer book. This deal involves getting the PDF free when pre-ordering the print book.  

Here is a new image of a Crabkin from the Mutant Bestiary:







Monsters Art Gallery at rpg.net


Do you like to draw mutant critters? Know somebody else who does? The newly crafted Mutant Monsters Art Gallery is here at rpg.net under the 'Tagency' > 'Other Media' forum area.
Everybody is welcome and encouraged to post their mutant creature drawings, doodles and finished art here, including images by beginners. The idea is that it is meant to depict beasts, as opposed to characters, robots, tech or general post-apocalyptic scenery. Humanoids are okay, though.The thread is also open to other PA game publishers, and especially to freelance artists wishing to show off some of their mutant animals and share links.

There is also a more general post-apocalyptic art thread over at ENworld ( http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?330579-Post-Apocalyptic-Art-Thread ) that I myself started a couple of years ago. Here you can post character drawings, creatures, scenes or relics to your heart's content. In any case, and at either forum thread, even if you aren't contributing art, please stop by and leave comments as doing so will keep the thread high up in the forum's activity and get a lot more attention, and spread the word of about this incredible genre.


Film and Video

The Colony

Although a lot of people seem to be leaving less than glowing reviews of this film, and I agree with some of their comments, I did enjoy this film. Imagine a winter wasteland instead of the dust coated and sun baked apocalyptic setting so common in the genre, and you have The Colony. The raiders here, however, are worse than normal because they area bit more peckish.

Yes, I know it’s been out for awhile but it takes me a long time to catch up on the media out there. Been kinda busy with new books and other goodies for gamers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZENI7UC3WQo

colony pic





The Machine Official Theatrical Trailer (2014) - Sci-Fi Thriller HD

Okay, havent seen this one yet and am not sure when its coming to theatres near you. So, for you roleplayers of The Mutant Epoch, this is kinda what I imagine an Infiltration Android might be like, including the intelligence, agility and strength. I love her enraged robotic scream at the end; sonic attack?

machine  pic




Battle Of The Damned Official Red Band Trailer 1 (2013) - Sci-Fi Action Movie HD


Okay, okay, another zombie movie... but Dolph, right, and then add robots that f**k up zombies! Id have to say these are Combots from page 180 of the TME hub rules, although somewhere between light and heavy. Thoughts?

damned pic


The Last Days on Mars Trailer 2013 Liev Schreiber Movie - Official [HD]

And another movie I still haven’t seen come to local theatres in my neck of the woods. This looks fabulous! What we have here is an excavation gone wrong and maybe at TPK (Total Party Kill)… but set in space. This could also be an off world colony outpost still operating on Mars in 2364, official setting date of the Mutant Epoch!

last days


Artist Spotlight

James Paick Concept Artist Extraordinaire
Hailing form the USA, James Paick produces some simply stunning high tech and fantasy scenes. I
m sure youll agree that his work will inspire game masters and players alike. Nuff said. Check it out:


That's it this time around. Standby for more preview art from the upcoming bestiary as well as something called One Day Digs, and a few more free Creatures of The Apocalypse!

William McAusland


The Mutant Epoch

Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks / Handcrafted Dungeons

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MeWe.com (replaces G+) https://mewe.com/i-front/williammcausland
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Mutant Epoch Public Forum: http://mutantepochforum.boards.net/

Mutant Epoch Creator's Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/
Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord
Zazzle Merch Store: https://www.zazzle.com/store/outlandarts/products
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