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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 13

Post-Apocalyptic Miniatures

We’ve been getting quite a few questions about where to find post apocalyptic 28mm figures. Our own line of paper miniatures are on hold until we get the Crossroads Region book out in a few months, so I thought I’d share a few sites with you for both inspiration and places to buy PA minis.





Brother Vinni's miniatures  http://www.brother-vinni.com/gallery/la_postapoc.htm







Pardulon Models Urban Blight - Near Future Gaming Table   http://pardulon-models.com/shop_content.php/coID/12






Also see: Mad Puppet Miniatures   http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/miniatures/mad-puppet-miniatures


A Well Deserved Plug

Dungeon Crawl Classic RPG  http://www.goodman-games.com/5070preview.html

As some of you know, I used to be a full time illustrator as a day job, and over the years did plenty of art for stock illustration, educational, architectural and contemporary imagery. I also produced mountains of fantasy art for such companies as Kenzer & Company, Fantasy Flight Games, Wizards of the Coast and Goodman Games. Joseph Goodman, the owner of the Goodman Games, was my main client, however, and he kept me busy for years doing covers and interior art for the Dungeon Crawl Classics line of adventures and sourcebooks. In recent years I contributed numerous ink images for his new line, The Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. I just wanted to give Goodman Games and the DCC RPG a much deserved plug here in the newsletter. As gamers, most of us play in many genres using an assortment of rules systems, so if you like fantasy gaming why not check out the DCC RPG.



Tom Hanks’ Electric City http://electriccity.yahoo.com/ep1-en-truth-or-consequences.html Thanks to mrsandcastle from the SOE member’s forum for bringing this animated web series to our attention. I’ve watched the first couple of webisodes and loved it. The look and layout of Electric City reminds me of so many places in The Crossroads Region, but EC doesn’t seem to have walls around it and clearly enjoys plenty of electric power… at least for part of the day. The main character’s voice is that of the series creator, a favorite of mine, actor Tom Hanks!


The Silent City series has updated episodes and a new front end on their site. Low budget, yes, but enjoyable. It’s great how they really portray an abandoned, dead cityscape, finding all these location in our current world and making them look so convincingly post-apocalyptic.  http://silentcityseries.com/ I would love to comment on what I saw up to the end of episode 5, but don’t want to give anything away.


New to the Society of Excavators Member’s area are two new nasty critters for free download. Beware of the disease ridden bite of the Fifty-Fifty Rat, or the ambush and mind assaults of the disgusting and ever hungry Man-Slug! Yuck!


 What are we working on?

The Crossroads Region gazetteer is our current in production project. This 404 page tome is the biggest book in the entire Mutant Epoch line and contains over 30 maps and over 300 illustrations. All the maps and numerous player hand outs will also be available as PDF downloads for SOE members. The entire region, and  major community maps will also come in print and tile sections so GMs and players can tape together 4, 6 or even 8 sheets to create a massive table or wall map of such places as Overpass, Pure Hub City, or Newburg. We are very excited by this gazetteer, and know many of you have been asking about the setting material since we first released TME last year. There is no firm release date yet, although November 2012 is looking likely and it will absolutely be out in time for Christmas. We are shopping around for the best place online to make the full colour 3d hand sculpted map available to those who want it in poster size or larger. Currently zazzle and deviant art are shaping up to be cost effective venues, but we will also provide pdfs in different sizes the for download and print output at copy centers.

      We have set up a publicly accessible art gallery for The Crossroads Region at our website. Here you can take a look of just some of the new inks coming off the drawing table. More will be added as work progresses. This same art can be found on our blog.

That’s it this time around. Happy gaming!









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