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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 3

The Mall of Doom, our first published adventure is done and proof copies someplace in the FedEx system. Pending approval of the print job, we will be releasing this 136 page perfect bound or PDF book ASAP. Print price $16.99,  PDF $7.99.  We will announce the release on our blog, twitter feed, SOE member’s forum, and website. 

Here is the back cover blurb….

"The meat colored humanoids unleash a deafening howl of alarm, a cacophony which echoes throughout the courtyard and deep into all the nooks and crannies of the old mall. Immediately, answering shrieks and snarls respond and shadows of tall, skinny figures appear on the walls..." 

In the twisted, dark future of 24th century America, heroes are needed more than ever. Do you have what it takes to rise up and answer the plea for help of hard pressed humanity?

In this adventure, the characters are recruited to investigate the disappearance and whereabouts of missing townsfolk beneath the recently re-inhabited farm-fortress of Walsave.

Through a series of underground expeditions, they soon discover that there is more to these kidnappings than meets the eye, and that these explorations under the Earth aren’t just a ruin-crawl into the crumbling, artifact rich confines of an ancient shopping complex. Besides the pitfalls and nightmares of the subterranean hell, they must contend with conflicting interests among the villagers as well, including raiders, a bizarre cult, and the ruling founders of this fortified settlement.

Can your characters survive the challenges that await them, or will they meet their end someplace deep below the rubble and junk of a besieged post-apocalyptic village?

The Mall of Doom uses the Outland System™ game mechanic and requires only The Mutant Epoch™hub rules RPG game book to play. Although set in the Crossroads Region over former Los Angeles, and a half day’s ride from the sprawling, poverty ridden city of Overpass, the game master can easily drop this adventure into his or her own campaign region. Designed for 6 to 10 first rank characters, this adventure could take surviving characters to the third or fourth rank. Here’s what’s included in this terrifying, fast paced adventure:

Multi-Path adventure design: never plays the same twice. Designed for group gaming or you can test your survival instincts, knowledge of The Mutant Epoch™, and wits by solo playing. PG14 rating due to some of the suggestive themes, horrific circumstances and descriptions; this adventure is not for the squeamish. 60 Illustrations  5 Player Handouts  6 Maps  1 New Creature 2 New Relics 136 Pages

Art Gallery

In Other News....

Hardcover copies of The Mutant Epoch™ hub rules are in the works, with our 3rd round of proofs arriving form the UK any day now… at least we dare hope so. A postal strike here in Canada has been very hard on us and frankly couldn’t have come at a worse time. FedEx is simply too expensive for most of our day to day mail order and reviewers mailings.
 At any rate, RPGnow.com and Drivethrurpg.com will be the source for both perfect bound and hardcover versions of the hub Rules, as soon as the print issues can be resolved. Hardcovers will sell for $36.99
 We now sell The Mutant Epoch hub rules through the following sources:
Arima.it  (an Italian online RPG store)


In The Pipes

The Full version of Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins is well underway. The maps, cover art and Layout are done and we are now just producing the 60 to 70 interior illustrations. This community source book is aiming to be around 160 pages and we anticipate it’s completion within two months.

Also, the pencil artwork for the first two issues of Excavator Monthly Magazine is done and heading to the inking station. Our goal is to have issue 1 hit the market by August 15th 2011; and from then on, a new issue on the 15th of every month.

A free lite version of The Crossroads Region is also in the works, with both an ink and colour 3d map of the area over part of former Las Angeles, briefly outlining all the factions, communities, ruin sites and other areas of interest. This has been in great demand, and will hopefully suffice until the full Crossroads regional gazetteer comes out in the early fall. This free PDF will be available to all SOE (Society of Excavator members) in a few weeks.

Target Site

Although we have been busy with the Mutant Epoch hub Rules release and imminent release of our first commercial adventure The  Mall of Doom, we have also been busy with some new free content for the Society of Excavators area of the website. We’ve added four new creatures for GMs to challenge their players with, three of which, the Spring-Claw, Enlightened or Mad One and Spore Sprayer, are for general use, and the fourth, the Ruin Witch, only available in the adult content creatures section.

There is also a lot of fan created content in the society of excavators area, including many new beastial human character types (Opossum, Rabbit, skunk, monitor lizard, Komodo Dragon, Squirrel, Zebra, Chicken) plus a new to TME character type called a Bunker Dweller, a new relic set called the ARC Offensive systems, and two new fan created creatures: Riding Boars and mutant Cyclops chickens (paying homage to an old TSR classic).



Gear Up

Finally, we have The Cover art from The Mutant Epoch Hub Rules available as posters of various sizes. Check them out here:  ZAZZLE and Deviant Art.com



An Italian Fan site http://albamutante.blogspot.com/

A great ally to TME is Giulio Iannarella who has set up an Italian language fan blog for The Mutant Epoch. One of the cool things about this is that you can click a button at the top of the site and it translates the text to English or another common language. Thanks Giulio!

 We also got a really fine set of youtube reviews from Tetsubo57. You can tell he read the whole TME Hub rules book.  Check it out by clicking the image below:




Movies with Mutants
I know that trolls are typically a fantasy genre creature, but when I learned of a 2010  Norwegian film called The Troll Hunter I had to investigate. I haven’t heard of this until now but like the look of these huge humanoids, which kind of remind me of Garnocks from the Hub Rules creature section. I’m hoping they get this on Netflix soon! Check out the trailer here:




Artist Spotlight

Tomasz Strzalkowski from Poland

Check out these very frightening trees growing in a devastated, dried up post apocalyptic setting. Inspiration for some nasty predatory plants I think.. http://tomstrzal.cgsociety.org/gallery/397137/


Contest Update

The dice toss for the original art and a copy of The Mall of Doom hasn’t been rolled yet. We are waiting for just a few more fan created entries and then we will make the big roll. Sadly, only SOE members can enter, so if you bought a copy of the Hub Rules, have something for the Outland System, then join us and we’ll add you to the random die roll.


William McAusland
Creative Director
Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks
web sites:  http://www.outlandarts.com or http://www.mutantepoch.com
Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/
Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch
email:  info@outlandarts.com



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