of the Outland System game mechanic
The outland
system is unique in its rules, tables, charts, and list
usage, however, it is a traditional RPG system in that it
employs many of the expected, successful and necessary
elements to make for satisfying, fast paced adventure action
while still playable with as much character to character
interaction and story narrative as desired. The rules are in
depth enough to satisfy the experienced gamer, but not
needlessly complicated or wordy that it would confuse or
‘turn off’ a new player. We’ve taken the same stance that
works so well for well crafted fiction in as much as when
one reads a book, the writer and writing should not be the
focus, but rather the story and characters involved. In
developing the Outland System, a primary goal was to keep
the focus on the role-playing instead of the rules, and
while a game master should be familiar with the game
mechanic, or at least know where to look for a specific
rule, even first time players should be able to get into a
session without having to do much, if any, reading
beforehand or complex math during play or character

Dice Usage
Gamers love their
dice, end of story. We also love dice, so over the years,
we’ve made sure that every one of the polyhedron dice are
called for. For the most part, however, where other games
focus on the six or twenty sided dice, the Outland System
mainly uses the ten sided or percentile (d100) dice for much
of its combat resolution, character generation, task
resolution and assorted tables. Of course, different
mutations, weapon damages, encounter tables, outfitting
tables and countless other charts, tables and matrixes
require the use of the full dice set, so bring them all. It
is recommended that each player have his or her own set of
polyhedron dice.

The rules for
combat can be simple or complex, depending on the form of
attack, modifiers due to cover, moving targets, firing while
running, taking careful aim as well as ‘called shots’; such
as “My character tries to shoot the gun from the raider’s
actual method of inflicting harm on an opponent is a two
step process, familiar to many who have played other RPGs.
In the Outland System, one uses his or her Strike Value (SV),
minus the target’s Defense Value (DV) to get a resulting
target number or stroke range. Roll the target numbers or
less on a d100 roll to strike the target. Damage is
inflicted on the victim and deducted from its endurance
(END) value. When a being reaches zero endurance, it is
incapacitated, but depending on its overall size (starting
endurance) it may only be unconscious, slowly dying or
outright dead.
defender’s agility trait value modifier, armor, using cover,
zig-zagging, or using the dodge skill if acquired by the
character, will make a person harder to strike, while the
attacker’s skill, rank, accuracy trait value modifier,
weapon modifiers and additional technology and tactics will
all improve the attacker’s chance to ‘strike’ the defender.
For the average human, a single sword thrust or gun shot or
two will dispatch the subject, or at least put him or her
out of the fight and in need of first aid. In addition, the
presence of submachine guns, chain guns, pulse rifles and
multi-projectile mutations which can unleash more than one
attack per round, make combat a lethal undertaking. Without
decent armor, quick thinking, use of cover or other tactics,
character death is to be expected. The Mutant Epoch is a
somewhat dark, survival focused setting, where combat is
brutal, bloody and swift, using clear, logical rules that
even a new player can grasp within his or her first
► Quick Overview (a brief glimpse of the entire setting and game in a
two minute read.) ►
The Outland System Game Mechanic ►
Dice Usage: The Mutant
Epoch:: A preview of the Outland System RPG game
mechanic. ►
Character Generation ►
Rank Gain (character
advancement) ► Combat: The
Mutant Epoch:: A preview of the Outland System
RPG game mechanic. ►
Objective of Game Play ►
The Mutant Epoch Setting