Contact Outland Arts We would like to
hear from you!

Outland Arts is a small company with partners
spread out around the world so if we don’t get back to you
right away please be patient as we certainly will respond.
The best way to get a hold of us is through email but we
also have a postal address:
Outland Arts
1860 Lodgepole Drive
Kamloops, British Columbia
V1S 1X8
For email
queries or to join the mailing list, please send an email to
Art guidelines here
Writing guidelines here
We look forward
to hearing from you,
The Outland Arts Team
Comments &
Questions: At Outland Arts we love to hear from our
customers as well as visitors to our site. If you have a
comment or question about the products, the setting, the
creators, where to buy the game, art print, book or anything else, please
just email us at
If the topic is something which others might be interested
in, we will post it to this page or the frequently asked
questions (FAQ) page on the forthcoming main site.
Contact the
Webmaster: Is a link down? Page not loading? Images
missing? Other problems with the design or operation of this
site? Just email us at
with the word ‘webmaster’ in the subject line and we’ll have
our designer or server host look into ASAP.