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Outland Arts Insider News letter issue 17

April 23st 2013

The Mutant Epoch forum is here!

And we’re back… welcome to issue 17. We've got big news for you this time around. Yes, finally, after much demand and two full weeks of labor intensive copy pasting and shuffling of posts... the all new The Mutant Epoch forum is here!


    Now, there are a few things we need to tell you about this place before you jump in. First off, it is public and anybody can post. Secondly, there is a password protected board area just for Registered Society of Excavators members that you can access using the same password you use for the SOE members area at our main website.


    Thirdly, we re-posted nearly every single post from the old forum, often placing them in either new boards or giving frequent content posters their own sub-board. Please let us know if, as a frequent poster of game usable content, if you’d like us to set up your own sub-board. If you want to place images, as we have in spots, use the place image from URL tab, which allows you to copy an image from a website or site like photobucket, which is what we use for all forum posts at ENworld and so on.
     We hope those with their own TME sub-boards will become moderators for these  rich RPG resources. Also, some of you have expressed interest in becoming moderators beforehand. I will have to go through my emails and see who the recruits were and contact you. Feel free to volunteer in any way.
   Also, wherever possible, when we copy pasted the old posts, we converted any poster’s real name into their initials just in case they didn’t want their full name mentioned publicly; although in the password protected area, we kept the full poster names. If you want an old post deleted or some other change, please email us at info@outlandarts.com .
     Finally, I am inviting all of you veteran players of The Mutant Epoch to do what you can to answer rules or other game questions that visitors might ask, even if you’re not 100% sure about a rule and just want to give your take on something, or suggest a house rule.
    Thing is, I get increasingly more communications to do with Outland Arts every day. Between twitter, the blog, phone calls, retailers, distributors, game shops, email and this forum, I could easily do nothing but communicate all day and never get any work done on new content for The Mutant Epoch. In whatever way TME players can help newcomers in this new forum, I greatly appreciate it more than I can say.
    Of course, I love talking about The Mutant Epoch, its my full time thing, and I will make every effort to check the boards daily and get involved as much as possible. That said, I am not the best at maintaining social media and prefer to spend my hours inking, writing, and play testing. Also, when I am nearing the release date of a book, I tend to withdraw from the outer world and focus all my attention on the final touches of a new title, and may seemingly vanish for a week or two at the finish line.  Therefore, I offer my apologies in advance if I don’t get back to your posts as soon as we’d all like.

2013 is going to be our most intensive year yet as far as production goes, at the same time, we have spread out into new territory, and opened the flood gates as far as social media goes. With this new public forum we may incur a lot of strange, foul, abusive and outright spammy posts. I know we are talking about a post-apocalyptic game setting, but there is no reason to be barbaric and uncivil on the forums. For now, we will allow anybody to post, but if things get creepy or annoying, we will make it so guests need to sign up to post. I welcome feedback on these matters as forums and forum conduct are still rather new to me.
    Finally, we close off this lengthy forum announcement with a free gift for all SOE members who want to come on over and join up at the new forum. Just sign in to the SOE member’s only board, then click the SOE Forum Only Free Downloads and click on the free new creature called the Muto-Harpy. For now, you can only get the Muto-Harpy on our forum, although it may also appear in a full color creature supplement in a year, but for now… exclusive to the new TME forum.


This new creature was created by one of our contributors and prime play testers, Danny Seedhouse. The Muto Harpy can be used as a unique monster, an interesting NPC or even  a player character! Thanks Danny for all your hard work on this and other elements for The Mutant Epoch RPG!



In other News

Many of you have already seen and downloaded the latest free creature from our site or RPGnow.com, but for those of you who missed it, here it is. We present you with the link to our latest free PDF through RPGnow.com and drivethrurpg.com. The Red Harvester is here, eager to impale your characters and imbibe their body fluids:



Book Update: Although we took a few weeks off to prepare the new forum and add a bit of free content, we are still working like fiends on The Crossroads Region Gazetteer. You can check out the growing Crossroads art gallery for this upcoming book here.



Hyundai Canada's 2013 Big Game Day Commercial "GASPOCALYPSE"

Starting to see a lot more post-apocalyptic, prepper and survivalist genre influences in ads, film and books. Even my wife is reading PA stuff these days. I thought this commercial was pretty funny, especially the end. The Hyundai driver is clearly referring to ‘Wasteland Weekend’ when mentioning ‘Weekend Warrior’



ELYSIUM - Official Trailer - In Theaters August 9th



This is new to me: Irregular Magazine, a free quarterly PDF magazine that you might want to investigate. Here is what they say about their publication:

Irregular Magazine is produced on a quarterly basis as a downloadable PDF file. It contains no advertisements, and all content is supplied at no cost by community members. It covers Wargames, RPG, Miniature Painting, Scenery Building and so much more! 
Anyone can get involved and submit content.


Strolen’s Citadel   READ  - POST  - PLAY
I haven't dug too far into Strolen's Citadel, but really like what I see so far and think it is a good fit for some of you. It seems to have an old school feel to it, which I like, although not sure it is a place to post TME material.

Art and Photography

Francesco Mugnai has arranged a collection of 30+ images of abandoned and ruined places. Some of these images will most certainly inspire game masters, and could even be shown at the game table as visual aides.

김정기 Kim Jung Gi Sudden attack 통제구역 6 Drawing
Posted on our old forum by the  most excellent Mr.
Nolinquisitor, this is something you gotta see! As an ink artist myself,  I watched this in awe!


Mutant Animals Revealed
Maybe don't be eating when you look at some of this. One file, near the end of the click-thru show, is a video. Kinda frightening actually.  Maybe after a few genrations of humans eating GMO food we will start to see more of this in our own species?


In closing, thanks to everyone who has signed up to this newsletter. I hope to see y'all over on the new forum, but hey, don't forget to stay in touch with us through any and all of the media we participate in. Below is a row of icons for various ways to buy our books, follow the progress on upcoming Mutant Epoch content, and meet other gamers who play the game.

Will McAusland
The Mutant Epoch RPG

Outland Arts / The Mutant Epoch RPG / Fantasy Clip Inks

web sites:  http://www.outlandarts.com or http://www.mutantepoch.com
Forum: http://mutantepochforum.boards.net/
Blog  http://themutantepoch.blogspot.com/
Twitter feed: http://twitter.com/mutantlord

YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheMutantEpoch

email:  info@outlandarts.com






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