The Mutant Epoch RPG
Quick Start Rules includes everything
you need to truly test drive the Outland
System Game mechanic and explore the
astounding, richly supported, freak
filled post-apocalyptic universe of The
Mutant Epoch. Included in this book are
a rich sampling of mutations, skills and
cybernetic implants, along with three
character types: Pure stock humans,
mutants and cyborgs, plus ten creatures,
ten relics and basic easy to learn
rules. Also included is a brief sampling
of the town of Sandbarra from the
Crossroads Region Gazetteer, along with
a 42 page entry level adventure called
Muddy Mayhem.
We've presented 96
illustrations from the original hub
rules book, 4 inks and 2 maps from the
Crossroads Gazetteer, and produced 49
all new illustrations, a cover image, 3
player handouts and 5 maps for the low
rank, yet highly challenging adventure.
We've also added a character sheet you can
photocopy, hex and grid paper, plus
link here to the
printer friendly grayscale version of
just the rules (to print off several
copies of and spread around the game
table or hand out to gamer friends).
Why am I so excited about
this free product? Well, long before I
was a game designer, I was an avid
player of other published and home
brewed RPGs, but often didn't own the
source books and the only one who did,
was the game master. Having a pre-game
night workable knowledge of the game
mechanic and character generation,
setting, mood and potential perils would
have been very useful. Better still, as
a game master who is new to a game
system, the ability to send each player
a PDF of the rules prior to sitting down
to roll up characters and undertake an
adventure together, would be enormously
helpful. Additionally, once game play
begins, with each player having a copy
of the quick start rules at the table,
either on their laptop, tablet or a
printed copy, it would make for smooth
character generation and preliminary
game session. Of course, the price is
right, too. The only cost to trying The
Mutant Epoch QSR is only your time and
maybe some photocopy money or inkjet
So what's in it for
Outland Arts, the publisher? We are
gamers, first and foremost, and love
what we do. We believe in this game
system and setting, and want to share it
far and wide in the community. Likewise,
as the owner and creative director, I am
aware of the power of free. We encounter
consistent sales via our numerous free
and pay what you want products. We
realize that once people download and
check out our free creatures, One Day
Dig adventures, or the Wasteland
Treasure tables, that they tend to like
what they see and click on an ad at the
back of the PDF or follow one of our
social media links. I wondered,
'If people were
finding the Mutant Epoch RPG via a free
critter, that's cool, but what if they
could test the system and play out a
full adventure as a try before you buy
option? What if a variant of the rules
was so compact and complete that gamers
could attach it in an email and send it
to friends, or post it to their own
sites, print it off and bring it to
their next game, a convention, or show
the quick start rules to the owner of
their local game shop?'
Of course, book sales put
food on the table for my kids, and
that's always appreciated, as are the
donations we get from people who snag
One Day Dig adventures. Some people
consistently show their support for The
Mutant Epoch, and for them we have made
the Quick Start Rules
Pay What You Want over
at our Gumroad.com account, likewise,
print book is available and purchasing a
copy will certainly throw a few bucks in
the game designer's tip jar. For the
most part, however, we just want gamers
to enjoy this offering, share it freely,
and spread the word that the mutants are
Muddy Mayhem includes 49 all new

Select which version of the Quick Start
Rules you want, or get them all!

A 120 page print
version also exists at
and sells for $15.99 This grayscale book
contains the full quick start rules,
Sandbarra insert and the adventure Muddy
Mayhem. |

The Full PDF Version
with Color covers for the QSR book and
Muddy Mayhem adventure, along with
several color maps, borders and
graphics, and fully linked internal
navigation. This variant is for game
masters, as players really shouldn't see
the adventure module before experiencing
it at the game table. |

Rules only PDF
edition: This
is for screen use and includes the color
QSR cover, and graphics, but leaves out
the brief community setting of Sandbarra
and the adventure Muddy Mayhem. This
150dpi PDF is 15.3mb and we encourage
you to freely share this file with all
your gamer friends, via email, linking
to the book's page at drivethrurpg.com,
gumroad.com or this page. |

Printer Friendly QSR Rules:
This is a 46 page grayscale, graphics
reduced variant for sending to a copy
center or home printing. It is still
tables and illustration heavy, but the
border and some other large elements
have been eliminated to save ink.
The file is only 2.5 mb in size and ideal for emailing
to all your gamer friends.

Click Image to download PDF

Click Image to download PDF

Although included in the
PDFs and zipped file set, we've added
the basic
character sheet here again
for ease of access. Click to open the
PDF in a new window: |