
Now Available... |
Monday Mutants
Monday Mutants provide game masters with an all-new deviated
freak for your next post-apocalyptic Mutant Epoch game
While crafted for The Mutant Epoch RPG,
which is armed with the Outland System, GMs can easily
modify these wasteland monstrosities to accommodate other
game systems.
Priced to move at the always affordable Pay What You
Want, these critters are sure to add an element of the
unexpected to your next ruin crawl. This first batch is
written and illustrated by the creator of the Mutant Epoch,
William McAusland. Each includes a full page version of the
ink artwork for use as a player hand out – which at our
table we simply use within the PDF and hold up the iPad to
show the player what their characters see.
Stay tuned for the
upcoming Monday Mutants Bestiary book here or at our
website. As of writing this on June 28th 2022, we know that
2 of the 6 upcoming creatures include a giant, predatory
mutant chicken called a Blood Beak, and a mysterious, savage
humanoid of the wastes called a Junk Ghoul.


Monday Mutants: 24
Released: June
Keep plenty of salt
handy for these mayhem causing, giant mutant
gastropods. Your barter town depends on it!
These giant mutant slugs
can appear in four terrifying size categories:
the globulant, which is as big as a horse and
roams the wasteland in packs, the towering, long
legged and cunning fast feeder, the reclusive
but always hungry giant bloater, and finally,
the massive, tree sprouting mega pheedlot which
won’t tolerate others of its kind and can devour
the inhabitants of a whole village in one
Of ancient design, and once
controlled by the oldsters via compliance chips,
these now wild predators are the scourge of any
region. Hard pressed inhabitants of Epochian era
towns frequently plead with passing excavation
teams to either drive off or rid them of these
creatures, especially as every ten years, a mega
and its trailing retinue of smaller specimens
arrive along their age old migratory route, and
revisit devastation on the populace.
Can your dig team contend
with these human harvesters, or will they also
add their bones and gear to the many
indigestible remains within these
post-apocalyptic titans?
The pheedlot is our 24th
Monday Mutant for The Mutant Epoch (TME)
Tabletop RPG, and the final freak in this free
or ‘pay what you want’ lineup. We’ll be adding
these, along with 6 never before seen muties
into a new book that will be available in both
PDF and print. This 11 page PDF includes
illustrations and details on each of the mobile
life stages of these horrific, multi-legged
mutant monsters, plus 18 mutation options and a
generous 2d20 ingested remains ‘treasure’ table.
While low rank dig teams might
contend with a few globulants, or maybe one fast
feeder, the larger specimens such as the bloater
or mega are certain to serve as the ultimate
challenge for a mid or high rank squad of
Visit our social media feeds
to say hello. We’re on Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, MeWe.com, as well as Enworld.org and
RPG.net to list only a few places. See all these
links at our webpage. As with all Monday
Mutants, sure, you can mess with pheedlot’s
stats for personal use with another game system,
but these ginormous freaks are most devastating
when fuelled by the Outland System used by The
Mutant Epoch RPG.
Harvest your copy of the
pheedlot today at the affordable ‘Pay What You
Want’ price. Can’t afford a donation right now?
No worries, instead give us a signal boost by
leaving a rating, quick one sentence review, or
sharing the link to this mutie on ENWorld.org or
rpg.net or other gaming sites, but also check
out our growing line of source books and
adventures, too.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Also, grab the
free isometric map for home printing here! |

Monday Mutants: 23
Wall Hugger
Released: June
In The Mutant Epoch era,
don’t forget to look up!
Wall huggers, also called
wallers, are like a cross between a human sloth
and a flying squirrel, but often weigh as much
as a full grown man. They’re highly territorial,
bad tempered omnivores, often covered in moss
and mushrooms and spend much of their lives
clinging to the sides of ancient buildings,
cliffs, bridge girders and vast hulls of
abandoned ships. In most cases, ruin explorers
don’t even realize what’s hit them when these
hideous sub-human creatures hit them. An impact
from a falling waller can knock a person out
during its first impact, but to get one of these
damn things stuck to your back, raking and
biting, can also shorten an excavator’s career.
Still, wall huggers are
known to inhabit the same high rise for
generations, and carry their half eaten or
unconscious victims aloft to stuff in vast bone
pits — along with whatever treasure, gear and
wondrous relics they wore along with them. It is
these macabre troves which many dig teams can’t
resist, and which often lead them to their doom.
The Wall Hugger is our 23nd
Monday Mutant for The Mutant Epoch (TME)
Tabletop RPG. This 11 page PDF includes a short
sample adventure ‘The Wall Hugger’s Tower’ for 6
to 8 low rank characters and includes a half
page isometric map — although it’s based on a
full page hand inked map you can download for
free from this product’s page. Also included for
this nasty, ambush predator are 8 commonly seen
mutations, a 2d12 bone pile discovery table and
pages of useful information on this all-new,
‘halibut human’ of the wastes.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2


Monday Mutants: 22
Released: June 14th
Short for ‘winged
death’, these rock colored, feral bio-weapons
are among the most dreaded newcomers to the
Epochian wilderness. Their sharp claws,
swiftness, and three neuro-toxin filled tail
stingers and make these winged mutants more than
a match for most new dig teams.
Yet, it is what they do
with subdued humans which is their most
terrifying feature. Evidence of their cruelty is
easy enough to find, for up on their bone strewn
nest mounds the booted feet of past victims
stick out from the grave-like holes in the clay.
Questions arise. What
awful ending did these people face? Why are they
head first in the side of a cliff? What horrors
linger here, and so too, what valuables?
Discover the grisly
truth by downloading the Wyngdeth today.
The Wyngdeth PDF is an 8 page
creature supplement that covers three life
stages of this horrific, fast moving mutant
monstrosity; the winged adult, the man-sized
pupa, and wriggling cat-sized larva. Also
included are two random loot tables: a 1d20
scattered mound discoveries and the 1d12
gruesome nest discoveries table... both of which
are strewn with a mix of valuables, curiosities
and perils. These former bio-weapons aren’t any
bigger than a man, but extremely tough and are
among the fastest predators in the wasteland.
They can make 5 attacks per round, are almost
impossible to run from, and with +5 initiative,
are hard to hit before they’re on you. Grab your
copy now.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2


Monday Mutants: 21
Released: June
These man eaters are as big as a bull, cunning,
quick and equipped with lashing tentacles,
frontal stabbing legs and whatever armament the
foremost torso wields in its powerful arms.
Worse, these genetically engineered battle
beasts of old make separate mental or energy
attacks from each of their three hideous heads,
and if a hunt isn’t going its way, it will
unleash a gaseous discharge of noxious, eye and
throat burning tear gas — a feature which is the
source of this mutant monster’s name.
The noxo is our 21st Monday
Mutant for The Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop RPG.
This wasteland horror is dangerous at any
distance, actively hunts dig teams, caravans and
entire villages, and often isn’t alone. Besides
moving in small packs, many ancient specimens of
these enormous, unpredictable beasts knowingly
play along with cults of primitives, especially
skullocks and moaners, and serve as their
impatient, ever hungry and demanding god. What
foul deeds will the devotees of a noxo
undertake? What will the tentacled, multi-headed
ruin lord do to either expand its territory or
eliminate the intrusions of human excavators
into its wasteland realm?
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 20
Released: May
With its retinue
of mind numb, pack laden humanoid servants in
tow, the gruesome, two headed, ‘cruel talking’
krutok crosses the rubble strewn wastes. Some of
its drooling, half-witted toys are on their last
legs, and need replacing. That’s when it spots
the team of worn out excavators as they leave
the ruins.
After examining the dig team and bickering among
itself for a moment, it sees that the humans are
wounded and don’t appear to have any serious
firepower. Half will serve as food, the others
as pack animals and playthings.
Its mind made up, this sac bellied freak
makes its move. It sends a mentally controlled
giant garnock to start the show with a diversion
on the right flank, and two almost brain dead
skullocks to attack on the left. The hunt is on.
The krutok is our 20th Monday
Mutant for The Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop RPG.
This new freak makes alternating mental or
energy attacks with its two heads, plus, is
superbly defended from close quarter attacks by
of dozens of pus and gas filled sacs which hang
from its globular, reddish-purple body. Any hit
on this thing will cause a sac to burst,
unleashing one of many possible disgusting
liquids, gases, or obscuring substances,
including radioactive powder.
The krutok supplement includes
a table to determine what random mutation one of
its heads unleashes each round, plus a sac
rupture table, along with a brief servant table.
These mentally subservient, drooling captives
are controlled by the krutok to do its bidding,
endure its sick torments, carry its stuff, and
sacrifice themselves when the master creature is
attacked. Learn more about this horrid new mutie
in the 6 page PDF.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 19
Weed Demon
Released: May
Famous last words from the
“Wait, did that little hill there
just move? Let’s check it out.”
“Um, guys. Was that weed patch
there when we entered this street before? And…
are those skulls underneath it? Let’s look for
“This junk storm is just gonna
get worse. C’mon, boys, let’s take shelter in
that mound over there. Yes, the one with all
those trees growing on it.”
“Whatchea worrying ‘bout? They’re
just green walkers. We’ve mowed our way through
a swarm of them before. C’mon, sissy, pull out
your axe and let’s do this.”
“I wonder why them skullocks
circled way around that clump of trees up there.
You’d think they would’ve used it to take cover
from Joe’s marksmanship. C’mon, let’s camp there
tonight and continue tracking the pesky buggers
in the morning.”
an era where the plants will try to eat you,
these nightmarish mutant growths take it a step
further and will also absorb their still living
human prey. The weed demon can appear in three
terrifying forms: the young, green walker-like
‘stalker’, the multi-legged giant ‘trunker’, and
finally, their ultimate tree bristling adult
form as the ‘mounder’. Each age variety is
equipped with the same toxin tipped stabbing
limbs and ravenous need for the minerals,
liquids and bones of their favoured humanoid
The weed demon is our 19th Monday Mutant
offering for The Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop
RPG. This supplement includes stats and art for
three size variants of this new, highly
aggressive mutant plant; the stalker, the
trunker and the massive, hill-like mounder.
Within these fierce, fast moving hunters are the
remains of past human victims, along with their
stuff. We’ve included a massive 1d100 random
loot table with this new creature, which offers
a wide range of junk, curiosities and treasure
that’s tangled within the bone fused roots of
these damn things.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 18
Released: May
Do you dare to explore the catacomb hives of
these ravenous, shocking mutants? Will your dig
team rescue doomed captives and unearth the
bizarre collections of junk, souvenirs, or
priceless relics that these flesh eaters hoard?
Find out by grabbing your copy of Monday Mutants
18, Shokgast, today!
These pack hunters get their name from both
their dreaded shock tendrils and their ghast-like
tendency to feed on both the living and those in
fresh graves. Shokgasts inhabit subterranean
ruins and cave complexes, and herein, dig out
individual sleeping holes to form ‘crypt dens’.
Within each of these cavities, a shokgast
stashes its prized collection of treasures.
These so-called treasures can range from old
action figures, sport cards, batteries, body
clippings or even priceless relics. So too, many
shokgast catacomb lairs contain living victims.
These hapless souls are held in makeshift
larders for when the hunting outside is poor, or
the graveyards of nearby settlements freeze
over. Will your character end up in such a pen?
Introducing our 18th Monday Mutant
presentation for the Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop
RPG. At twelve pages long, this offering is way
bigger than was expected and is surely the
biggest one we’ll ever do. Honest. It includes a
2d20 random collection roll table, along with
four mini adventures with isometric view maps
showcasing an assortment of sample shokgast
crypt dens.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 17
Released: May
Don’t lose your head!
Of all the horrors of the
post-apocalyptic, Epochian era, few mutants
compare to the malevolence, unpredictability,
and nightmarish doings of the dreaded skullgut.
These large, bloated things are head hunters
in the truest sense, and collect the still
living craniums of adventurers and use them both
for their own sick pleasure and offensive mental
mutations. While often encountered alone, many
instead serve as a deity or prophet for
man-eating barbaric humanoids, especially
skullocks and moaners, and will launch raids on
trade caravans, barter outposts and villages in
search of new victims. These cunning, often
cowardly bullies make for the perfect boss
villain in any game master’s campaign. Grab your
copy today.
Introducing our 17th Monday
Mutant offering for the Mutant Epoch (TME)
Tabletop RPG. At nine pages long, this addition
is the second biggest we’ll ever do, and
includes quick armament table, minions table, a
random d20 listing of the mutations for absorbed
heads, as well as a generous loot table for the
sort of grisly remains found in this monster’s
den. We’ve also added three adventure hooks to
help GMs get started with these new, freaky
butchers of the badlands.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 16
Released: May 2nd
Bog-Devils have no use for valuables or relics,
and toss them aside like trash among the
cadavers and egg hosting bodies of their
humanoid victims. These vast troves of grisly
remains and priceless artifacts can grow deep,
and with a lifespan of over a hundred years, the
lair of a bog-devil is sought after by both
skullock war bands, and human excavators.
To purposefully seek this
known man-eater is sheer madness. The beasts
hunt people almost exclusivity, and use their
terrible claws, fearsome mandibles, tail slap
and volley of javelin-like shooting spines to
wipe out whole dig teams.
Still, with luck, and skill,
and desperation, a careful band of diggers might
try their luck at the beast’s lair, and just
hope the damn thing is sleeping, or off on one
of its ruthless hunts.
Introducing is our 16th Monday
Mutant release for the Mutant Epoch (TME)
Tabletop RPG. This addition is the biggest we’ll
ever do, and includes an isometric map and mini
adventure for about five, 2nd rank player
characters called ‘The Bog-Devil’s Lair’. This
creature listing has 12 pages of content and
includes a 1d8 mutation table and extensive 62
entry random discoveries table for what a team,
or stealthy individual, might find in the
gruesome bone pile near a bog-devil’s lair.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 15
Released: April
survivors, you’ve heard stories of these brutes.
Of their rock spitting lower arms and terrible
jaws. You’re aware of their bloodthirsty nature,
tendency to form ranks with skullocks, moaners
and other savage muties to annihilate entire
villages, but nothing prepared you for this. You
now stand at the edge of their territory, and
after tracking the pack of arm-gunn marauders,
you and your team have come to the end of the
line. Up on that mound... are those people on
those rebar shafts and wooden stakes? And...
what’s that next to those skulls? An assault
rifle just hanging on a pipe?
Aptly named for their lower
set of rock spitting, cannon like limbs, arm-gunns
are powerfully built, exceptionally cruel and
territorial humanoids. These mutants dwell in
ruins, inhospitable wastelands, rugged forests
and stinking swamps. Besides their ferocious
nature and tendency to savor the kill, they make
use of trophy poles to mark the boundaries of
their turf. Clusters of these poles are set on
mounds and rubble heaps for all to see, and
sometimes accompanied by valuable relics and
still living captives. Experienced excavators
and scavengers know what this means, and
approach such grisly displays with extreme
This is our 15th Monday Mutant
release and the 3rd in our follow-up dozen for
the Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop RPG. Like the
last one, this is an expanded creature listing
running at 8 pages and includes a few graphite
drawings along with a random 1d12 mutation table
and extensive 2d20 random discoveries table for
some of the things diggers might find among a
collection of trophy poles.
Grab yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 14
Wave Lurker
that in the damn water? That fin! It’s coming
toward us!”
Like so many beasts of the Epochian new era, the
people of this age call the terrifying new
creatures by some physical feature or behavior
the mutie beast displays. These are
straightforward, no bullshit descriptions,
something that the various humanoid strains can
relate to other people with few words, which is
often important when a watcher on a wall or
barge deck must make their cry of alarm. With
the shriek of “Wave Lurker!” everybody aboard a
crude scrap-built cargo ship or junk walled
village knows what is coming for them. Once the
alarm is given, people can either grab the right
weapon, dash to their battle stations, flee to a
secure area, or pray to their wasteland god for
admittance to the afterlife.
Introducing the ever hungry,
fast moving, reptilian wave lurker. These
aquatic predators patrol the seas, lakes and
swamps of the Mutant Epoch era, appear in
various sizes, and like a sea lion, can drag
themselves up onto the deck of a barge or shore
to go after their prey. They can be encountered
both in their typical form, or as mutant freaks
to inflict even more mayhem and terror on hard
pressed humanity.
This is our 14th Monday Mutant
release and the 2nd in our follow-up dozen for
the Mutant Epoch (TME) Tabletop RPG. It’s a
biggie, too, with a few extra half page
illustrations and a wide range of size stat
blocks from the tiny, dog sized hatchlings to
the barge sized colossal adult! We will add
another nightmarish oddity each Monday until we
add this next dozen to the collection. Once we
get to 24 muties, we’ll put them all, and a few
never seen mutie freaks, into a PDF and print
This supplement, written and
illustrated by the creator of TME, William
McAusland, includes the main artwork as a player
handout sheet and both a d10 mutation and d20
specialty loot table. Dive into post-apocalyptic
adventure today and grab your copy of the wave
lurker at the always affordable ‘Pay What You
Want’ price
Snag yours here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 13
Dust Fiend
Released: April
comes double trouble! The dreaded dust fiend is
here, and whether it roams the wastes as a wild
predator or serves it's bunker dwelling human
creators as a patrol beast, it's always a
brutal, close-quarters killer.
Able to
crab walk back and forth or side to side, climb
over the roughest terrain or climb up the face
of a ruined skyscraper, these powerful muties
are a serious challenge to any excavation team
that finds itself in the arid badlands and dunes
of the Mutant Epoch era. In melee range fights,
they are at their most devastating, and with two
heads and the exceptional alertness this offers,
they are hard to sneak up on or catch in the
open where ranged attacks are a dig teams only
hope. Worse, they are known to roam in packs of
up to six members, and mount merciless ambushes
on those who foolishly enter their territory.
supplement, written and illustrated by the
creator of TME, William McAusland, includes a
left hand random weapons listing, 3 short loot
tables, and the usual full page art as a player
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the ink at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery 2

Monday Mutants: 12
November 10th
Run for your friggin' life!
The masher is upon us!
This is our 12th Monday Mutant of an initial 12
group freakopedia.
These brutes stand nine feet tall, weigh over a
thousand pounds, have ballistic skin, adapt
their pigmentation to their surroundings,
exhibit other random mutations from a rich d20
selection, and live on an all-meat diet with a
preference for generic humans.
This is
our biggest Monday mutant yet at 9 pages. It
features 5 Adventure hooks, a d20 'loot carried'
table, and as a bonus, another d20 table
offering the game master random goodies and
weirdness that is found in the bone littered
depths of a masher lair. Careful though, these
giants of the epoch are known to hunt in packs,
use ambushes, bait and mimicry to lure the
unwary to a swift end.
If you like what you see here, please leave a
review, or comment below and if you don't,
email me and let me know how we can make
these better.
Look for more gaming goodness for The Mutant
Epoch RPG in the months ahead as we finish some
big books and delve into new, shorter content.
your copy today at the always affordable 'Pay
What You Want' price.
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate!
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 11
November 2nd
the Wriggle-Hack!
This is our 11th Monday Mutant of an initial 12
freaks in this series. These horrific, bear
sized ambush hunters use multiple electric shock
tentacles to subdue their prey before they drag
them off to deposit in a crevice, back room, or
pit for later consumption. This 7 page PDF
includes a random table for other unfortunate
beings who also find themselves in a larder pit
… with some of the fellow creatures on the menu
being potential allies in any escape plan, while
others who might well harm the character.
Also included with this all-new mutie is a
selection of 5 Adventure hooks to jump-start a
heroic quest that involves these cruel, ravenous
harvesters of the mutated new era.
Grab your copy today of this freak for the
always affordable 'Pay What You Want' price.
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 10
Released: October
This is our 10th Monday Mutant of
an initial dozen freaks. Included in this PDF is
an all new Reaction Roll table for this
unpredictable, role-play heavy new creature.
Roll your d100 and add or subtract from previous
questions and statements by the Grumble-Strike
to find out if it will try and eat your heroes,
befriend them, guide them to riches, or betray
them. Other tables include a set for the
appearance, and gender of this dual headed
thing, as well as a mutation table for the ten
percent of these damn things that exhibit
Snap up your PDF copy of this
bizarre, talkative mutie for the always
affordable 'Pay What You Want' price.
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate
Drivethrurpg.com |

Monday Mutants: 9
Released: October
Spider-Sisters are ambush hunters
of the wastes and ruins, and aptly named after
both their uncanny ability to climb walls and
hang from ceilings, but so too, their venomous
bite which causes paralysis. When these things
feed on an unlucky excavator, they are conscious
as it bleeds them out, able to feel, see and
hear everything as they meet their end. Will
your player character be the ones to rid these
foul things and save the captives, or will they
too succumb?
This is our 9th Monday Mutant of
an initial 12 creature assortment. Included in
this 6 page PDF are tables for mutations,
contents of their carried pouch, and art and
stats for the elusive, huge alpha male. Snag
your PDF copy of this fast moving, wall crawlin'
blood drinker for the always affordable 'Pay
What You Want' price.
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate

Monday Mutants: 8
Released: August
Rubble-Imps are roughly four feet tall, grayish
humanoids with leathery twelve-foot wingspans
and a well-deserved reputation for causing
considerable mayhem, misery, and discord. When
either working alone, in flocks, or as the
scouts, spies, and thieves of villainous
masters, these nasty things are sure to cause
your player characters big trouble, if not a
fatal end.
This is our 8th Monday
Mutant of an initial 12 creature assortment.
Included in this 7 page PDF are tables for
potential allies, mutations, precious items,
along with a collection of adventure hooks that
center around the mayhem rubble-imps can cause
to a post-apocalyptic village and how the
characters are coaxed to intervene.
Grab your copy of this
troublesome mutie for the always affordable 'Pay
What You Want' price.
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery |

Monday Mutants: 7
Released: July
Are your diggers ready to face the dreaded
Serving the role of a post-apocalyptic demon or
mutie boss encounter, these hideous miscreations
often control gangs of mooks. Yet, with their
venomous bite, nasty claws, lightning bolt
throwing heads and tail slaps, these vile things
need little help dealing with impudent diggers.
This is our 7th Monday Mutant of a planned 12
creature collection and comes in at 8 pages of
post-apocalyptic goodness. Included are a random
list of potential mook servants, random venomous
bite results table, a listing for various sap
sprays from ruptured nodules, as well as a d30
loot table. Grab your copy of this all-new freak
for the always affordable Pay What You Want
Loot it here at
*We get 95% of whatever
you donate
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 6
Grumpy Stomp
Released: July
Grumpy Stomp is an omnivorous elephant-sized
mutant featuring the DNA of horse, hogs, and
humans. They wander the steppes and remote
flatlands of the post-apocalyptic world in
search of plants, carrion and at times – when
their normal food is in short supply – other
creatures, including people.
Domesticated specimens have been raised and
trained, with both riding specimens available
for purchase but also battle mounts which don't
break and run at the first sound of a gunshot.
As a trained mount, these behemoths can carry a
'back-shack' which can shelter up to six
adventurers for their journey into the
wastelands and ruins of The Mutant Epoch world.
This six-page PDF includes stats on infants,
younglings, adults and the rare, wild alphas, as
well as a price list for those dig teams who
want to purchase a Grumpy Stomp as a mount. Also
included are a mutation list and plenty of art.
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Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 5
Released: July
Will they barter or will they
swarm you? Either way, always watch your back
when dealing with the Piffer!
Inhabiting vast, ant-hill like tunnel networks
in either the ruins, mutated forests, badlands
and tangled swamps, the two-foot tall race of
piffers are unpredictable little omnivores.
Sometimes they'll trade remarkable, oversized
relics to passing dig teams in return for honey,
baked goods, jam or booze, and at other times,
be hostile and predatory.
This new race of scale-covered, grayish colored
mutant humanoids are like the gnomes or kobolds
of a post-apocalyptic world and can add either a
bit of humor to a game or add horror, depending
on the nature of the particular tribe.
This 7 page PDF includes weapon tables, random
mutations, the loot contents of their pouches,
guard beasts as well as stats for the half-human
specimens called Piffohumes.
Like all Monday Mutants, they are easy enough to
convert to another game system, although best
served in the original, fast-paced Outland
System, for The Mutant Epoch RPG. They're also
affordable as heck at the 'Pay What You Want'
If you like what you see here, please leave a
review, and if you don't, email me and let me
know how we can improve these. (Info at
outlandarts dot com) WM
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Where we receive 95% of any tips
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 4
Released: June
Solitary, territorial, vengeful and cruel, any
village with one of these meter tall mutant
giants around is gonna need help from outsiders
- either as heroes to hunt the best down, or
else to be stripped down and tied to the
offering post.
This is our 4th Monday Mutant and
will be featured in a full-length adventure late
in 2019 called Devil's Den.
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See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 3
Released: June
Skayls are
entirely carnivorous and favor the flesh of
fish, rodents and human-based entities,
including their mortal enemies, skullocks.
Territorial, bad-tempered,
and prone to worshiping colossal beasts, mad
robots or digital beings, these tough little
creatures spend their time hunting, patrolling
their lands, and seeking new and better weapons
with which to engage larger creatures, hostile
tribes, or the incursions of human excavation
Loot your copy here:
Where we receive 95% of any tips
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 2
Released: June
Beaked-Slashos are
aggressive, swift-moving pack hunters which
inhabit nearly every non-aquatic terrain type.
Although they have a beak and squawk and call
like vultures, they are actually warm-blooded
reptiles. They have night vision and can be
found on the prowl any time of day. Their
leathery, scale-covered hides are grayish brown
in dry or ruin areas, while olive green among
strains which dwell in swamps and woodlands.
Most exhibit dull, yellow beaks and narrow,
blood red eyes, white talons and garish,
unnaturally purple tongues, although albino and
almost entirely black specimens have been seen.
They use a limited form of
inter-species telepathy and can communicate
openly with all members of their own kind within
a one-kilometer range. They use this power to
alert each other to nearby threats, sources of
water, carrion, or the arrival of prey animals —
including humans and their off-shoots
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See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

Monday Mutants: 1
Released: June 3
The Junko is a lumbering mutie of the wastes, an
eater of men, a user of bait loot, and an
unpredictable, ravenous foe. Use with caution,
as just one of these brutes can result in a TPK
of low-rank excavators, especially if the damn
thing gets into melee range with a group.
Grab it at:
Where we receive 95% of any tips
See the inks at
Monday Mutants Art Gallery

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