In Production
The Mutant Epoch RPG Hub
Excavator Monthly Magazine
issues 1-6
The Crossroads Region
Pitford: Gateway to the
The Mall
of Doom TME-1
Blood Road adventure TME-2
The Flesh Weavers adventure
Mutant Bestiary One
Nuke Tower adventure TME-5
and much more
Production book details
The Mutant Epoch RPG Hub
see art samples
All you need to generate
characters challenge them with perils, horrid mutant
critters and then reward them with numerous relics. This
core book includes, 7 character types, 30 castes, 30 skills,
over a 111 mutations, 68 cybernetic implants, 104 creatures,
9 robots and 10 android types, 9 relic vehicles, 44 weapon
relics, 14 armor relics and 70+ miscellaneous relics,
complete encounter tables, hazards, traps, insanity, typical
humans, rules for called shots, and dozens of helpful
tables, character sheet, grid and hex paper, and much more!
Anticipated Page count: 190 to 200 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Perfect Bound book through retailers
and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG,
Your Games Now
Excavator Monthly Magazine
issues 1-6
see art
Excavator Monthly is a PDF and POD (print on
demand) magazine which covers everything to do with The
Mutant Epoch setting. In the early issues the focus will be
on the TME role playing game, with each issue offering a new
character generation method, fascinating non-player
characters, vile new creatures, awesome new relics, articles
for players and game masters and much more. In later issues
we will be adding more short and serialized fiction,
adventures, showcasing up and coming speculative artists,
reviewing relevant media such as books and movies, and
previewing forthcoming TME milieu releases.
Anticipated Page count of each issue: 24 to 36 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
The Crossroads Region
see art samples
gazetteer Featuring four major factions, 35 communities each
with its own map, sections on nomadic communities, heroes,
outlaws and organizations, details on prominent ruins,
street and bar room occupant and encounter tables, radio
station listing, slavery, map variants, and listings on 97
points of interest, most with specific encounters, hazards
or other remarkable features.
Anticipated Page count: 240 to 270 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Perfect Bound book through retailers
and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both
Lulu.com and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
Pitford: Gateway to the Ruins
see art samples
Pitford is an excavator support
town on the edge of the Great Ruins, situated in the
Crossroads Region. While described in the Crossroads Region
book, this volume goes into far more detail, offering the GM
a vast trove of gaming resources. Both Adventures TME-1 and
TME-2, along with other forthcoming adventures, involve
Pitford to some degree, ensuring that the player characters
will return to this enclosed fortress trade town again and
again. Included in this book are detailed descriptions and
tables for 50 Services and Entertainment venues, numerous
topside and basement areas, 33 streets, and detailed entries
for ABO and Freehold Scout facilities and defenses. Also
included in this town setting guide book are plenty of maps,
Adventure hooks, assorted encounter tables for streets, the
basement, bars and surrounding wastelands along with random
events for those who get on the wrong side of the law and
end up in the municipal jail.
So valuable is this town setting book, and
occasionally necessary for optimal play in some of the
published adventures, that Outland Arts will release a FREE,
cut down PDF version of the book called Pitford Lite,
nearing completion and will be released simultaneously with
the paid version.
Anticipated Page count: 190 to 200 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Perfect Bound book through retailers
and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
The Mall of Doom adventure TME-1
Villagers have resettled a former
town site, but suddenly, history seems to be repeating
itself as once more, villagers are vanishing form the
homes and streets of this small farming community. The
desperate elders recruit the newly formed player character
team to find out who is stealing the people, defeat whoever
or whatever is responsible, and rescue the missing
townsfolk. The maze of tunnels and ancient chambers beneath
the town are many and varied, filled with hostile creatures,
ancient hazards, and wondrous treasures. The village itself,
and areas outside of town, present many encounters,
intriguing events and interactions with colorful, memorable
non-player characters and critters.
This adventure comes complete with several fully
fleshed out NPCs and a couple of new relics, numerous maps
and player handouts as well as follow up adventure
suggestions to keep the action and mystery going. This
village could be a base camp for further expeditions deeper
in the ruins beneath town, or to launch forays into the vast
woodlands to the south.
Page count: 48 to 56 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Possibly a
saddle stitched book
through retailers and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
Road adventure TME-2
see art
A moderately lethal multi-path adventure for
8 to 12 characters of ranks 2 to 4, with a suggested two PCs
per player minimum due to the challenging nature of the
quest. Blood Road is based out of the town of Pitford in the
Crossroads Region. Characters are enlisted to undertake an
investigation into increasingly brazen and brutal attacks
along the now bloody road which connects Pitford to Overpass
and the rest of the emerging civilized communities. With
food and water caravans cut off to Pitford, it is only a
matter of time before the walled town sinks into anarchy,
starvation, and enemy forces. The team sets out on a heroic
rescue mission, a mission with more at stake for the entire
region than the players first realize.
This adventure includes numerous ready to play
NPCs, two new relics and an in depth series of follow-up
Anticipated Page count: 150 to 160 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Possibly a Perfect Bound book
through retailers and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
The Flesh Weavers adventure TME-3
Taking place in the excavators
support town of Pitford in the Crossroads Region (Pitford
Gateway to the Ruins book recommended, or the Pitford Lite
free version available at this web site after line
launch), the community is locked down during a terrible
sandstorm which rages for day. The team must help Pitford
survive the onslaught of a unspeakable horror, fighting for
their lives in a nightmare scenario. Great for A Halloween
game night!
Page count: 48 to 56 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Possibly a
saddle stitched book
through retailers and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
Mutant Bestiary One
see art samples
Keep your players on their toes
with over 180 new creatures, complete with encounter tables
by terrain type and adventurer’s rank range. In this book
are both common creatures such as badgers, deer, coyotes and
weasels, as well as both their mutated kin and many dozen
other remarkable, wired and terrifying freaks to challenge
even the most well equipped, well trained and tactically
cohesive character group. This book is a must for any TME
game master and is richly illustrated with over a 180 ink,
graphite and digital illustrations.
Anticipated Page count:
102 to 106 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Perfect Bound book through retailers
and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
Nuke Tower adventure TME-5
Aiming to be our fifth multi-path adventure to
be released, and like its predecessor, Blood Road, this
quest is designed for 8 to 12 characters of about ranks 2 to
4, with a minimum of two player characters per player
recommended on account of the distance the team travels from
Pitford, and the intensity of anticipated combat.
Nuke Tower starts off with the characters being
compelled to volunteer to help the Northern Freehold, and in
particular, the fortified town of Pitford on the edge of the
Great Ruins. Their mission is to twice avert a cataclysmic
regional disaster which if unchallenged, would see the end
of the fledging civilizations of free men and mutants.
This adventure comes complete with several fully
fleshed out NPCs and a couple of new relics, numerous maps
and player handouts as well as follow up adventure
suggestions to keep the action and mystery going.
Page count: 190 to 220 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Possibly a Perfect Bound book
through retailers and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
Player’s Primer
for release in 2010
While designed with the
Outland System in mind, this book defiantly has great value
to those playing any other tabletop role-playing game. The
main purpose of the player primer is to assist new gamers as
well as those new to The Mutant Epoch setting and Outland
System game mechanic. The book covers how to role up
characters, use dice, react to the game master and ones
fellow players, conduct oneself at a game session, handle
combat, improve one’s characters odds at survival and most
importantly of all, how to become a better role playing
gamer regardless of the system.
Anticipated Page count: 40 to 70 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Perfect Bound book through retailers
and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
GM’s Primer
for release in 2010
Larger than the Players Primer, this book
covers everything in the Hub Rules as well as tips on how to
make ones own TME campaign region or entire game. Designed
for both new and established GMs, this book clarifies rules
in the Hub Rules, creating house rules, dealing with
disruptive or inconsistent players, snacks and booze at the
gaming table, dealing different gamer stereotypes, growing
the hobby, writing adventures, playing NPCs, sharing
narrative with players, using pre-game emails, making maps,
designing villains and critters, and much, much more. Tons
of other subjects are also covered which are guaranteed to
improve any game masters skills as a referee and narrator.
While made for The Mutant Epoch and players who employ the
Outland Game mechanic, this tome is an excellent resource
for any RPG GM.
Anticipated Page count: 60 to 100 pages
Page size: 8.5 x 11”
Available formats:
Perfect Bound book through retailers
and direct mail from the publisher
Print on demand via both Lulu.com
and createspace.com
PDF download via RPGnow, DTRPG, Your
Games Now
in development:
Other adjoining regions:
The Shattered Region
The Atolls Region
The Shallow Sea Region
Smaller, 30 to 50 page Adventure modules:
The Crevice
Dog Daze
Expedition to Trash Valley
Relics and Robots:
A compendium of ancient
technologies serving the GM as both relic treasures
and robotic adversaries about 100 pages
Expansion Rules Book
Heir of Darkness
Trilogy (Fiction taking place in the
Shallow Sea and Crossroads regions)
Fantasy RPG
using the Outland System game mechanic plus two setting
'world' books