Outland Arts is a publisher of
tabletop role playing game products, art, speculative fiction,
art books, and stock imagery. The creators, freelancers and support
staff form a collective of individuals from around the world who
work together on a project by project basis to produce
unique, lavishly illustrated, accessible and affordable
more about what we do.
Are you a
Indie Author? GM?
Need Fantasy Stock art?
On a Budget?
Check out our Fantasy Clip
Inks line....

The Fantasy Clip Inks
Bundle Deal
Save 25%
This collection contains 543 stock art images!
Regular price $240.00 -25%=$180.00
(save $60.00)

Learn more
or Buy via Gumroad*
*Where you get the exact same image files, but, by selling direct,
we earn 90%
Get it through drivethrurpg.com right here!

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-12

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-11

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-10

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-9

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-8

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-7

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-6

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-5

or here at
Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-4
or here at
Items set 2
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLAMI-2

or here at
Items set 1
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLAMI-1

Spot Art Set 3
Buy Now!
$12.00us Preview

Art Set 2
product number:
Buy Now!
$12.00us Preview

Art Set 1
product number: OLASA-1
Buy Now!
$12.00us Preview

Ornaments Set 1
product number: OLAOR1
Buy Now!
$12.00us Preview

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Dungeon Portals Set 2
product number: OLADP2
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Dungeon Portals Set 1
product number: OLADP1
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Spell Casters Set 1
product number: OLASP1
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Warriors Set 2
product number: OLAWR2
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Buy Now!
Warriors Set 1
product number: OLAWR1
Learn More....

October 23rd 2024

Amazon.co.uk link here or
the Amazon.ca for Canucks here
Rank up your
post-apocalyptic adventures with all new character types, new
skills, pre-game castes, remarkable mutations, cybernetic
implants and devastating relic treasures! Add never before seen
incredible excavators to your existing ruin exploring dig team,
or face these new oddities as vile foes.
This book is part two of the Hub
Rules, and is a must-have, resource rich sourcebook that’s sure
to make the Mutant Epoch RPG the ultimate post-apocalyptic,
science-fantasy role-playing game.
For players of The Mutant Epoch,
this book offers 12 new player character types, along with an
incredible selection of 35 new bestial humans. Also included are
100 new prime mutations, 42 minor mutations, 36 flaws, and 8 NPC
only mutations for those special wasteland inhabitants. Also,
the long awaited plantoid ‘veggie-sapien’ character type appears
in this book. These weedies have their own extensive collection
of 71 prime plantoid mutations and 20 flaws all their own. There
are two new character outfitting systems: the Rapid Fire method
and the ultra quick Equipment Packs system. Other expanded rules
include cybernetic purchasing and sales tables, healing times
for broken bones, the effects of radiation on robots, androids
and other mechanical systems, and much more. This book includes
14 character sheets, all of which are also available on this
book’s webpage.
As a game master, this book gives you a haul of new relic
rewards, and deadly robot and drone adversaries to challenge
characters of any rank. Optional rules for offer brutal, attack
mode based critical strike outcomes, rules for pushing beyond
the daily mutational usage limits of mental and energy based
mutations, new combat options, and a robust section on
dimensional portals, destinations, voids, relic gear, and the
terrible, wraith-like beings that inhabit them.
This book requires the use of the Mutant Epoch Hub Rules, plus,
we recommend a 30 sided dice used for some tables and relic
damage rolls.
Over 1225 illustrations
12 New character types: Abomination, Android, Grafter, Halfie,
Mutorg, Nanoborg, Parasite, Plantoid, Rebuilt, Robot, Vat-Brain,
plus 35 more Bestial Humans
21 Pre-game castes
34 Skills
186 mutations
91 Plant mutations
42 Cybernetic implants
35 Bestial humans
260 new relics, including 42 new weapons, and vast assortment of
equipment, medical wonders, explosives, augmented reality
artifacts, micro air vehicles, drones, robots and vehicles,
including the orbital shuttle.
Featuring writing by:
Danny Seedhouse, Dr. James Butler, Colin
Chapman, Brandon Goeringer,
Timothy Berriault, Brutorz Bill, Thaddeus Moore, Blood Axe, Mike
McMillan, C.H.U.D., Corryn, Graeme Hallett, Stu Brooks, Thomas
Vida, Ed Pegg Jr., Azaria Wagner, Christine Jones, Charles
Barber, TalonHunteR,
William McAusland and others
This is our 14th book in The
Mutant Epoch RPG line, with more in the works. Visit our website
for loot piles of free content, including One Day Dig
adventures, creatures, relics, the Society of Excavators
member’s area and more. Join our mailing list and follow along
on most every social media venue for all the latest content from
the Outland Arts team!
Go to this books page here.
August 28th 2023
Clip Inks Spot Art Set 13
Now Available!
Follow our Fantasy Clip Inks social
media at these sites:

November 2022
Mutants Bestiary
Now Available!

As a Game
Master for The Mutant Epoch, you need more mutie
monsters, treasure tables, and a few short
adventures to begin the mayhem!
As a TME player, you need more challenges, more
heroics, and more wicked loot!
You’ll find all this, and more, within
these pages! While 24 of the creatures in this
tome of terrors are available as ‘pay what you
want’ pdf downloads, we’ve enhanced many of them
with more art and created 6 all new mutant
monstrosities to challenge even the most robust
dig team.
These 6 new critters are exclusive to this
bestiary and include the gargantua-bison,
junk-ghoul, muto-colossus, flyoid,
trash-anemone, and an enormous mutant chicken
called a razor beak. The other twenty-four
freaks include massive apex predators like the
lump devil, weed demon, masher, and pheedlot, a
deep water reptilian called the wave lurker, as
well as insidious ambush hunters such as the
wall hugger, wyngdeth, and spider sister. Here
too, player character must to contend diminutive
humanoids such as the skayl lizard folk, or even
smaller piffers. Other creatures include the
foul-mouthed krutok, merciless shokgast,
grotesque skullgut, bog-devil, along with other
nightmares such as the arm-gunn, dust fiend,
wriggle-hack, grumble strike, junko, noxo,
rubble-imp, sap-crawler, beaked-slasho, and
giant grumpy stomp
This book uses the Outland System™ game mechanic
and requires only The Mutant Epoch™ hub rules
RPG game book to play.
Included in this 206 page
• 30 Nightmarish
mutants, with many random mutation and loot
tables, along with
full art player handout sheets for each.
• Encounter Tables
• 101 Illustrations
• 3 Flat and 6
Isometric maps
• 4 Mini adventures
for the ‘Shokgast’
• 2 Complete
adventures: ‘The bog-devil’s Lair’ and ‘The Wall
Hugger’s Tower’
• Plus, SOE
(Society of Excavator) members can freely
download all the maps,
and player handout images.
Print book $24.99
8.5 x 11, 206
PDF $10.99
See a 10 page sample
December 14 2021
Daze: Adventure TME-5
Now Available!

Buy Print Version $26.99
or in the UK here:
Buy PDF $11.99 Direct from us
Buy PDF $11.99
View PDF Sample
Even GM's need to play this one! There is no art
gallery because it would spoil the adventure for you!
Dog Daze is a multi-path solo play adventure for The Mutant
Epoch tabletop RPG. Designed for one 1st rank character. This
fast-paced, highly re-playable module can be used as a training
ground for those new to the Outland System and The Mutant Epoch
game and setting. Likewise, sections of this book can be
inserted into a game master’s own dig sites and encounters, or
slid into other published TME adventures
What’s Included?
• 240
new creatures, 3 new relics, and an
expanded version of mutant dogs with 24
random mutations
full page GM only maps sliced up and
added throughout the adventure as 100
October 28 2021

Handcrafted Dungeons Sets 1 and 2 Updated
Today we released an updated version of both
Handcrafted Dungeons Sets 1 and 2.
We've shrunk the file by removing the grayscale
and inkjet versions. Also, we've brightened many of the tiles
that had overly dark floor sections, and unified instances of
excessive color at the edges of tile entrances and exits to
better blend one area into another.
Handcrafted Dungeons Now on Gumroad.com
Also today, we have made both these tile sets
available as a direct sale product via gumroad where we earn 95%
commission instead of 60%
Set 1:
Set 2:
October 22 2021
Dog Daze Adventure TME-5 To be Released in
Dog Daze Art, cover, editing, layout completed
and undergoing last stages of proofing and play test. We are aiming for an early November 2021
release of this 240 page solo play adventure.
June 3rd 2021

Update on Dog Daze
Adventure TME-5
We are in the final layout and art for
Dog Daze, Adventure TME-5, a massive
200+ page solo adventure for 1 hardy PC.
This was supposed to be a 50 or so page
long, 'quarantine special' game for all
of you in-person gamers who couldn't get
to together, but it ballooned into an
extensive multi-path behemoth.
It's gonna be great, but
challenging, so start rolling up some
first rank characters..
Release date to be
announced. WM
PS. Still working on the
Expansion rules. Cover art reveal
May 27th 2021

I will be at
Dungeon Con Online this weekend at the
Outland Arts Booth
This is a 5e D&D
focused convention, but everybody is welcome. While people can
grab The Mutant Epoch RPG, I will primarily focus on selling
original art I did as a freelancer for Goodman Games. The
dealers hall will be open for
free to the general public, but the ticket
price is $20.00 for a badge which
entitles all
purchasers full access to all events and seminars.
You'll need the same setup as a zoom meeting, but be using
gather.town which allows the exploration of a on-screen map
which incidentally, I sculpted, painted and photographed in the
Handcrafted Dungeons style and will eventually use as a product
in that lineup.
Learn more about
Dungeon Con Online here:
And hey...

Buy a Zargon Sepia tone poster or the Zargon mug
November 12th 2020
All 12 Monday Mutants
Pay What You Want

June 26th 2020
Wizard of the Wastes

Wizard of the Wastes
Written by
Rey Rodriguez, Edited by J. Levesque
A diabolical wasteland wizard
A village enslaved
An island fortress and its steel clad
Tuvor, a
dusty tribesman, interrupts your dig
team's drinking to plead for help. To
the north, his people suffer under the
heel of an evil wizard who has enslaved
them and murdered his wife. He seeks a
band of adventure-hungry excavators to
rid his land of the wizard's blight.
Your party has plundered the depths of
the long-dead cities for lost tech and
defeated mutant horrors of the new era,
but have you been heroes before? Perhaps
this adventure will answer that
This is our 9th One Day Dig, written by
Rey Rodriguez, and is a Pay What You
Want adventure suitable for both new and
experienced players using characters of
1st or 2nd rank and can occur in the
Crossroads Region or the Game Master's
own setting. It includes 3 maps, 11
illustrations, and is 15 pages. Look for
upcoming post-apocalyptic adventures and
supplements from Outland Arts.
You decide! Pay What You Want
Donate directly
gumroad.com* or get it at
*Where we earn
95% commission and you get the
same download!
May 16th 2019
See the Ink Art for The Mutant
Epoch Expansion Rules
Sept 22nd 2018
Gun Station Gamma
Station Gamma
Adventure TME-4
62 pages
Buy Print Version $11.99
at Amazon
Buy PDF $4.99 Direct from us
Buy PDF $4.99
PDF Sample
Art Gallery
The shifting sands have once more
revealed the great gun. Can your dig team survive the
wastes to reach it? What secrets, ancient treasures and
horrors will be found within?
The 11th book for The Mutant Epoch RPG
has just been released.
Gun Station Gamma is a 61 page ‘Rapid
Fire’ adventure for 6 to 10 excavators of 3rd and 4th
rank. This module takes place among rubble studded
dunes, where thirst and junk storms can prove as
perilous to the dig team as the occupants of the
long-lost ancient military complex they seek.
Feb 24th 2018
4 NEW sets of Fantasy
Clip Inks
Mega launch of Spot Art sets, 9,
10, 11 and 12


Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-9



Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-10


Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-11


Spot Art set
illustrated by William McAusland
product number: OLASA-12

Feb 2th 2018
One Day Dig 8:: Baby
A rampaging Rubble Troll...
A village in crisis...
A quest for answers undertaken.
While making their
way to the far off ancient metropolis to undertake their next
dig, the excavators come across a village in chaos. Their
guardian, A rubble troll, seems to have gone mad, and ransacks
the countryside, ruining the crops, damaging the houses and
causing great worry among the inhabitants of Alnwick.
With pleas for help, and a sizable offer of silver, the
villagers recruit the passing diggers to discoverer the truth
behind the behavior of the mutant monster - a normally peaceful
monster that keeps away those that would eagerly wipe out the
community if given half a chance.
What perils and pitfalls await the adventurers as they
investigate the countryside around the tiny farming town, and
who or what is responsible for this calamity?
This is our 8th
One Day Dig, written by Tim Schuster, and is a Pay What You Want
adventure suitable for both new and experienced players using
characters of 1st or 2nd rank and can be
placed in
the Crossroads Region or the Game Master's own setting. It
includes 2 maps, 14 illustrations, and is 14 pages in length.
Stand by, Epochians, for yet more post-apocalyptic gaming
goodness from Outland Arts.
One Day Dig 8:
Baby Bupu
Gumroad |
RPGNow |
Pay What
You Want!
Suggested $1.50

Dec 28th 2017
Gel-Bak, Creatures of
the Apocalypse 21
Even during expeditions into
the ruins, always pack some wine and beer to trade – it
could save your life!
Our 21st
Creature of the Apocalypse is here. This Pay What You
Want, 10 page mutant freak can either be a cunning and
brutish opponent, but at other times – so long as the
travelers have booze to trade - can provide them with
excellent intel on the local ruins or nearby wasteland.
For those
of you who have collected the first thirteen free
critters, you'll notice two things.
First, where are creatures 14 to 20, you ask? Well,
they're included in the Creatures of the Apocalypse
Codex, a for purchase book (pdf $9.99, print $19.99)
which includes the 13 free critters, plus the Muto Harpy
(members only creature) plus 6 all new, highly detailed
freaks including The Walking Mouther, Rubble Troll,
Snaykin, Nubinz, Apocalypse Moth and the Spider Lord.
See it here.
Secondly, we've pushed this PDF as a 'Pay What You
Want' release, and while most people grab such online
content on a try before you buy, 'free' basis, we hope
that if you like what you see you can throw some coins
in our tip jar.
Here is the link to
the Gel-Bak free PDF:
Drivethrurpg.com or

August 10th 2017
Fantasy Clip Inks Spot Art set 8

Spot Art
Set 8
Our biggest spot art set yet! Within this pack of 37,
300 dpi tiffs you will find the following images:
• Pig faced orc running and portrait version
• Orc bust in helmet
• Running skeletal warrior
• Gargoyle head
• Helmet wearing man
• Pastoral scene with crops and bridge
• Lich portrait
• 6 piece Dragon theme ornament set
• Fortress on the Borderlands
• 6 wands
• Evil door knocker
• Cluster of potion bottles
• Hooded thief or assassin
• Log bridge across chasm (top down)
• Stairs up to dungeon portal (full page)
• Moonlit blowing grass (full page)
...and much more!
Click here to see the Spot Art set 8 guidebook pdf
This set is
also part of a bundle that includes all our FCI sets at
learn more here

December 16th 2016
The Mutant Epoch
RPG Quick Start Rules
Released! |

July 17th 2016
One Day Digs 7: The Ascent
Released! |

By Timothy
15 pages The Ascent
is our 7h One Day
Dig for The Mutant Epoch RPG
Pay What You Want
April 29th 2016
Fantasy Clip Inks Spot Art set 7
Released! |
Spot Art set 7
includes 30, 300 dpi tiffs for
indie authors, gamers and publishers to make
their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder we've included a tree ent,
gorgeous sorceress, fire breathing dragon,
zombies, a two animated skeletons, wraith,
wizards, djinni lanterns, sorcerer's book
shelves and scenes of daring adventure parties
and much more! See the demo PDF to view
everything included. These spot images can be
modified to suit the publisher’s needs. See the demo PDF to
view everything included. These spot images can be
modified to suit the publisher’s needs.
December 16th 2015
Creatures of the
Apocalypse Codex
Released! |

Buy Print Version Color $29.99 or
Grayscale $19.99
at Createspace.com (Amazon.com) or
Buy PDF $9.99 Direct from us
Buy PDF $9.99
View Color Print or PDF Demo
View Grayscale Print book Demo
| Art Gallery
July 5th 2015
One Day Dig 6: Hunt in
the Dark
Released! |
Rotten Rats!
and thirsty, your dig team arrives in the tiny
village of Rust Haven just in time to save the
day! Beasts have attacked the village and while
the militia chases them off, Black Scavenger, an
ambitious bipedal rat mercenary, has escaped
from the jail. He and with his thugs fled into
the ruins beneath the community! With Rust
Haven’s best fighters out in the wastes, the
people of the settlement need you to go into the
ancient depths and bring the villain, Black
Scavenger, to justice, dead or alive.
What horrors, curiosities and artifacts your
team will find below the earth are unknown, but
this is what you live for. You are excavators
and post-apocalyptic heroes.

Hunt in the
Dark is our 6th One Day Dig for The
Mutant Epoch RPG and was written by Giulio
Iannarella. Why not show your support to this
new RPG author by throwing a few coins in the
tip jar? In this 15 page Pay What You Want
product is 1 full page player handout and 1 map,
25 illustrations, a mutant sub-species and two
new relics.
You decide! Pay What You WantDonate directly
gumroad.com or get it at
rpgnow.com or
July 5th 2015
The Flesh Weavers
Released! |
Flesh Weavers
Adventure TME-3
Buy Print Version $14.99
at Createspace.com (Amazon.com) or
lulu.com or
Buy PDF $6.99 Direct from us
or Buy PDF $6.99
Or get Our
Double Barrel Deal
View Demo
Art Gallery |
March 13th 2015 New
Mutant Epoch Mail Order Bundles Arrive!
more here
Feb 24th 2015 One Day Digs
3 & 4
By Brandon Goeringer

for more adventure?
Return to a world of post-apocalyptic
gonzo adventure with One Day Digs Double
Feature 3 & 4! This evening’s first flick is
irresistible, especially to those cyborgs in your team! Beneath
the Spire will electrify your PCs, then, after a
short intermission, dim the lights for Tunnels &
Skulls, a post-apocalyptic random sewer
17 pages
Pay What You Want Suggested $1.50
December 3rd 2014
Mutant Bestiary One
Released! |

Bestiary One
173 New Creatures
Buy Print Version $22.99
at Createspace.com (Amazon.com) or buy
Buy PDF $9.99 Direct from us
or Buy PDF $9.99
at rpgnow.com
View Demo
Art Gallery |

Double Barrel Deal
Buy the Mutant Bestiary One print book and
get the PDF for free! US customers can send $22.99
usd, or International buyers $26.00
usd via
to info@outlandarts.com . Make sure you tell us
your mailing address for your print book and your email
address to get your free PDF right away!
Sincerely, Will McAusland |
August 6th 2014
Two Pay What You Want PDFs Released!
Step into a world of post-apocalyptic gonzo adventure
and find out! Introducing the One
Day Digs Double
Feature. Starting off with a bang, our first
quest is Blood
for Bellridge, followed up after a short
intermission by Feast
of Freaks!
Designed for introductory games at conventions, game
stores, and private home tables, One Day Digs are the
brain child of author Brandon Goeringer and illustrated
by Will McAusland. They are crafted to showcase a bit of
The Mutant Epoch setting and flavor, introduce some
creatures and relics, as well as offer an example of how
the Outland System game mechanic works. For the most
part, these adventures are for 4 to 6 new PCs of first
Pay What You Want
9 pages
Written by
Brandon Goeringer |
Your Excavators fight hard in the wastelands, ruins and
emerging barter villages, why not let ‘em see some
reward? Here then, in Wasteland Treasures One, you’ll
find plenty to keep them challenged, well paid and keen
for the next expedition.
Included are three d100
Loot tables: a General
Ruin Treasure Table, an Old
Warzone listing and trophies
and curiosities carried by humanoids such
as Skullocks, Warmorts, and Moaners.
For use with The Mutant Epoch or other post-apocalyptic
RPG, this 19 page PDF is perfect for the busy game
master who needs to quickly access location appropriate
items. The Old Warzone table, however, is far more than
a list of goodies and rewards for player characters.
It’s got both dangers and adventure hooks built in,
including landmines, rogue robots and the ever hazardous
chem storm.
Pay What You Want
19 pages |
June 24th 2014
Handcrafted Dungeons::
Basic Dungeon Tiles Set 2
Just Released!
Basic Dungeon Tiles set 2 can be used
alone, but we recommend adding it to
set 1 as the first set contains more standard
corridor sections as well as entrances from outside into
the underground realms you create, plus, 4x4” end caps
or ‘dead end’ sections to avoid running a dungeon off
the table. By combining sets 1 and 2, the possibilities
for truly enormous dungeon complexes can be achieved,
thrilling your players and making for miniature games
they won’t soon forget.
For VTT (Virtual Table Top) play, we have
included a zipped folder full of all the floor tiles as
300dpi JPEGs, along with the accessory tokens as PNG
rpgnow.com or
Print on demand option and
combo set coming soon! |
June 17th 2014
Handcrafted Dungeons::
Basic Dungeon Tiles Set 1
Just Released!
You've spent countless hours painting your fantasy
miniatures to look their best, why not play on
some of the
best looking gaming tiles?
This line
will start with Classic Dungeons sets 1 and 2, and will
be followed by Caverns Set 1 which is in production.
tiles provide ready to play gaming terrain that has an
old school, epic sword and sorcery feel, perfect for
role-playing or any fantasy miniature dungeon crawl.
Read more....
1 inch Grids for 20mm,
25mm and 28mm figures
2013 to May 2014
Creatures of the Apocalypse
Get your FREE PDFs of mutant monsters!
Click the cover to
go direct to the product page at RPGnow.com. Not a member there?
Its free to join and free to download these freaks.
Enjoy WM
December 17th 2013
Two more Fantasy Clip Inks stock
sets released today!
Spot Art set

Spot Art set

Spot Art set 5
contains a collection of 28, 300 dpi tiffs for indie
authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder are images A dragon in flight, dragon’s
portrait, scrolls, a treasure hoard, skulls, humanoids,
weapons, ornaments and a seedy little tavern, and much
more! See the demo PDF to view everything included.
These spot images can be modified to suit the
publisher’s needs. |
Spot Art set 5
contains a collection of 29, 300 dpi tiffs for indie
authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder are images of huge treasure hoard, a
female liche, wizard’s hat, text scroll, skulls,
humanoids, magic items ornaments and even a coastal town
as seen from the air, and much more! See the demo PDF.
December 9th 2013
The Crossroads
Region Gazetteer released today!

Crossroads Region
Gazetteer One
448 pages
Buy Print Version $36.99
Buy PDF $16.99
View Demo |
January 21 2013
Beyond Red Crater just released!

Visit Beyond Red Crater Art Gallery
July 11 2012
Excavator Monthly Compendium just released!


Now you can get all six copies
of Excavator Monthly Magazine in one book! Each article,
relic, mutant beast, non-player character and other
feature has been placed into categories within this
hefty tome. Never forget a copy again. Both game masters
and players of The Mutant Epoch role playing game can
carry all the magazines in one handy book and quickly
flip to any resource with ease.
Excavator Monthly Compendium
27 Nasty Mutant Creatures
● 13 Potent Relics
● 6 Alternate Character Generation Methods
● 2 New Skills: Acrobatics and Archery
● 12 Non-Player Character Friends and Foes
● 162 Illustrations
● 9 Assorted Articles
● Short Story: Demon in the Depths
● 10 Game Master Only Articles
● 8 Players Perspective Articles
● 4 Treasure Tables
● And much more! |
June 12 2012
Pitford: Gateway To The
Ruins released!

see artwork here
March 9th 2012
set of Fantasy Clip Inks just released
Spot Art set 2
contains a collection of 35, 300 dpi tiffs for indie
authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder includes a fairy, sleeping dragon on his
hoard, barrels, keys, helmets, a ruined tower, more
skulls, a banner graphic, locking book, bag of gems,
crossed swords, grappling hook, rope bridge, a
mysterious crypt and much more! This is our biggest spot
art set so far. See the demo PDF to view everything
included. These spot images can be modified to suit the
publisher’s needs. Some suggested uses are player
handouts, ornaments for maps, chapter ending icons,
magic items, treasure items and filler art to add a
professional and creative look to any novel, game or web
page. |


February 2012
Monthly Issue 6 is here!

January 2012
Monthly Issue 5 is now available!

December 16th 2011
set of Fantasy Clip Inks is now available!
Magic Items set 2
contains a collection of 33, 300 dpi tiffs for indie
authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder are images for use as spot art or magic
items for fiction, web graphics or games. Set two
contains more enchanted weapons, a magic cloak, boots,
bracers, several jewels and medallions, plus more potion
bottles, staffs, rods, wands, rings, enchanted armor
items and another spell book and two scrolls, plus much
more. These spot images can be modified to suit the
publisher’s needs. Whether for personal use or
publication, using these FCI images will Add a classical
and creative look to your next novel, game or web page. |

December 13th 2011
Magic Items set 1
contains a collection of 32, 300 dpi tiffs for indie
authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder are images for use as spot art or magic
items for fiction, web graphics or games. Included in
this collection are potion bottles, staffs rods, wands,
rings, scrolls, enchanted weapons and armor items, plus
a spell books and assorted charms. These spot images can
be modified to suit the publisher’s needs. Whether for
personal use or publication, using these FCI images will
Add a classical and creative look to your next novel,
game or web page.


November 30th 2011

see artwork here

November 8th 2011
Spot Art set 3
contains a collection of 30, 300 dpi tiffs for indie
authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder are images of skulls, humanoids,
characters, weapons, a wolf, bat, torch, distant town,
ornate box, dragon’s head, and much more. See the demo
PDF to view everything included. These spot images can
be modified to suit the publisher’s needs. Some
suggested uses are player handouts, ornaments for maps,
chapter ending icons, magic items, new monsters,
treasure items, NPCs and filler art to add a classical
and creative look to any novel, game or web page.
See the whole line of FCI stock packs, including
Spot Art sets 1 and 2, Ornaments set 1, Warriors sets 1
and 2, Spell Casters set 1, Dungeon Portals sets 1 & 2,
and many more here.

November 7th 2011

We finally we have a dedicated
The Mutant Epoch Facebook page! Why not join us at
http://www.facebook.com/TheMutantEpoch and get in on the
discussions, meet other TME gamers, see art previews, read news
and much more.
November 3rd 2011
We're on a roll! We've just released another set of
Fantasy Clip Inks,
Spot Art set two
which contains a collection of 33, 300 dpi tiffs for
indie authors, gamers and publishers to
make their books and web sites look great. In this
zipped folder are images of scrolls, humanoids, skulls,
weapons, a 20 sided dice, imp, classic D&D troll, army,
treasure map and candle, 2 outdoor scenes, dark lord on
a winged mount, crown, cat, ring, and plenty more. See
the demo PDF to view everything included. These spot
images can be modified to suit the publisher’s needs.
Some suggested uses are player handouts, ornaments for
maps, chapter ending icons, magic items, new monsters,
treasure items, NPCs and filler art to add a classical
and creative look to any novel, game or web page. |
